NPR's Juana Summers speaks with game designer Abubakar Salim about his long journey to create a game to process the grief of losing his father to cancer.
Juana Summers, host:
Creative Director Abubakar Salim has always loved video games. That love was passed down to him from his father.
Abubakar Salim: It started with my father, right? He brought me into them. He understood that gaming is an art form. It's the perfect space to enjoy an escape from the real world.
SUMMERS: But over 10 years ago, his father passed away after a battle with cancer.
Salim: I'll tell you, I'm still thinking about it. But he decided four years ago that I needed to process my grief in a way that felt true to me and to him. So I took the biggest risk of his life and threw everything I had into creating a game, a work of art in his honor, and an ode to those we loved and lost.
Summers: That game has been years in the making and is now being released. Its name is “Tales of Kensela: ZAU”.
(Soundbite of video game “Tales of Kensela: ZAU”)
Salim: (As Zau) My Baba, my father, your story was taken away too soon. My name is Zau, and I am a shaman from Kensera. Here I look for my father, Shutan (ph).
Summers: Abubakar Salim is here to tell us more about his long journey to bring this new game to life. Welcome to All Things Considered.
Salim: (Laughter) Thanks for having me. That's – I'm sorry. That's — I have to say it's very surreal when I hear that story today (lol), because I'm very aware of how personal it is and sharing it with people. Because it is. I mean, when I hear that, I'm like, oh, oh. You know, it takes it to another level. It's very personal.
Summers: Well, let's start there. So this game is very personal to you. I hear you talk at the Game Awards about your relationship with your dad, how much he means to you, and how much this game means to you. Tell us a little about how you overcame your own grief over losing your father. We brought you to this game that we can now play.
Salim: That's right. That's interesting – isn't it? – Because I'm an actor by trade. So, you know, I've done 'Raised by Wolves,' 'Black Mirror,' and now I'm on 'House of the Dragon.' Well, I did – it's really just my regular space. It was when I was in South Africa filming Raised By Wolves at the time and I was playing the game on my Nintendo Switch. And in “Oli and the Blind Forest” there was a section – it's this waterfall section. This chase sequence is incredibly difficult to do. But I was able to achieve it.
And the feeling that came through, this feeling of just being happy that we were actually able to get through this, reminded me of the feeling I remember playing Sonic for the first time on the Mega Drive. And my dad watching me play Sonic, and that feeling when we actually beat this level where we just kept dying. That's when I realized I had to make a game. Remember, I had no idea what it meant to make a game or how to make one.
Summers: Yes.
Salim: But I was really driven by the idea that the way I could express my emotions, the way I could express this sadness, was through video games.
(Soundbite of video game “Tales of Kensela: ZAU”)
Salim: (As Zau) The path of the shaman is a path of healing and a path of guidance. But when a shaman is in need of healing or guidance, how does he fulfill his duties?
Summers: If we could, let's talk a little bit about the story of the game. If possible, please briefly explain the premise.
Salim: So Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is the story of a young shaman named Zau who makes a deal with Kalunga, the god of death, to bring his father's soul back to life in exchange for three great spirits.
(Soundbite of video game “Tales of Kensela: ZAU”)
Tristan D. Lara: (As Kalunga) So tell me (in language other than English) What wealth are you seeking?
Salim: (As Zaw) My Baba. He was suffering from illness. You took his soul and I'm here to get it back.
As you know, this work is inspired by Bantu myths and legends and the many stories my father told me when I was a child. But the song was actually inspired by the grief journey I went through after losing my father. You know, when you see sadness portrayed in entertainment media, it's always very sad, very depressed and moody, and there's been a lot of that, right? On the other hand, my experience has been very diverse in some ways. It was vivid. It was almost like this – the rose-colored glasses were ripped off my face and I began to see the world anew.
One of the biggest shocks for me was that the world kept spinning. And as silly as it sounds, it was a real shock. At the same time, I was also dealing with the idea of, “Okay, now my dad is gone, I have to be part of the family, I have to do that.'' The one who has it, the one who is in control of everything. That is the origin of this game. The core of this game comes from my experience and grief journey.
Summers: And I can't talk about this game without talking about the game's soundtrack, which feels really different to me.
Salim: (Laughs) Yeah.
Summers: What's funny about that question?
Salim: No, because the soundtrack is really good (lol)?
Salim: You know, again, this is the beauty of working with someone as brilliant and talented as Nainita.
Summers: So you're talking about Nainita Desai there. She's a game composer, right?
Salim: Yes. Yeah. And what a composer she is. So I introduced Nainita very early on. Again, this was back in the day when EA wasn't involved as I know it. That didn't happen. It was just me, this idea, and a team – a team of people. And Nainita understood it. You know, she understood what I was trying to say.
Salim: It was just, you know, the mentality of, you know, I want – it's like communicating with my dad, who grew up in Kenya, and me, who grew up in England, and having this kind of conflict that it makes sense. However, there is also the feeling that even though there is an atmosphere, the atmosphere does not come out, or even though there is an atmosphere, the atmosphere disappears. And the way Nainita captures something like that and not only captures the essence of it, but also captures her journey of grief, it's so beautiful that it makes me laugh. oh yeah.
Summers: Well, when we started our conversation, we started by saying that the roots of this game are in the grief after losing your father. And yet, as I have this conversation with you, I can hear you laughing. You seem to be smiling the whole time talking about this game. How do you balance these two?
Salim: I think it's because sadness isn't necessarily sad. And it's one of those things where you almost have to accept that the sadness is there, as long as you accept the fact that it's never going to go away. You get used to it, and you find relief in it as well as anger and happiness, and you use that as fuel to keep you going. There is beauty in this idea of the end, that this is the life you are living, or that you are working towards, or that you have. There's something very beautiful about that. And sadness is truly a celebration of life. That is what sadness is. It's a celebration of life and I truly believe in that. And I think this game is that.
UNIDENTIFIED SINGER: (Singing in a language other than English).
Summers: I spoke with the creative director, Abubakar Salim. “Tales of Kensela: ZAU” is now on sale. Thank you very much.
Salim: Thank you.
UNIDENTIFIED SINGER: (Singing in a language other than English).
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