Aside from romantic comedies, horror is probably one of the most diverse genres. With so many subcategories, from slasher, paranormal, survival, gothic, folk, sci-fi, fantasy, and Christmas, there's something for every horror fan. One of my favorite subgenres is horror comedy. Horror comedy itself has a wide range of titles. Shaun of the Dead, scream, Evil Dead 2flat american psychonone of these movies are exactly like the others, but they are definitely important pieces of movie history.
The point is that they all work very well because they use comedy as a way to heighten the scares and are funny. Laughing gives you a sense of security, but that sense of safety is only temporary, providing only a short respite until the next jump scare puts you in danger. Horror-comedies are a staple of the genre, but I don't think they've translated well into video games yet.There are also horror games that people find interesting, like the original resident evilthere's no awkwardly translated and delivered dialogue (obligatory Jill Sandwich reference here), and there's actual horror comedy like lollipop chainsawHowever, I think some of the “horror” element is lost here.
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And last year, independent developer Zeekerss released Lethal Company, a four-player cooperative horror game where you scavenge for scraps and do your best to survive both the cryptids that await you and your job itself. Ever since, I've been waiting to see if someone could recreate the Lethal His Company formula and take its spirit and turn it into an entire genre in itself. Now, with the instant success of Content Warning, I think video games are finally making their own bet on horror comedies.
Content Warning is much like Lethal Company, bringing four players together, but instead of looking for things like sheet metal and axles, to get a bigger perspective in a fictional version filled with all kinds of creatures. You have to photograph something scary in a forgotten land. YouTube. The shooting part literally allows you to create a 2-minute video that you can save and share online. It takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to content creation and becomes almost literal.
But the key to both games is to be so scared by each of the game's monsters that your friends can't help but laugh at your death. Sure, it's embarrassing to be killed by a bug that only collects treasure in Lethal's company, but your friends are having a good time, so who cares? Of course, that could eventually lead to the death of all but one of the crew's girlfriends, turning them into some kind of final girl, and it's up to them to secure the loot and the scenery. The fear becomes even more intense.
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Moments like this are what makes both titles so great. Because comedy is very naturally built into these horror games. Because you can be very stupid, despite the fact that many people are trying to kill you. He's scary, but hilarious because he's scary, and he's a perfect blend of two genres that you might not think you could work with at first. Horror games can be funny thanks to scripted jokes, but nothing is funnier than allowing the player to tell the joke through gameplay (the player probably can't help but laugh out loud at any given conversation). Sho).
Personally, I hope they continue to make games like Lethal Company and Content Warning. Horror is one of my favorite genres. I'm not much of a multiplayer person, but being able to goof around with your partner while one of you is running for your life is a great way to spend an evening. More than just more games like it, I hope it inspires more horror games to make it interesting. I promise you it might scare people more.