Video games are more than just fun. Some evidence suggests that they may actually help relieve stress. Video games often get negative attention from people who say they make children less sociable and more aggressive, but there is growing evidence that these interactive games also have mental health benefits. I am.
At a glance
For those who enjoy playing video games, the good news is that this hobby can be a great way to regulate stress. Video games are associated with reduced stress levels, increased emotional awareness, and solution-focused behavior. Read on to learn more about why video games are an effective stress management tool and which games may be most beneficial.
Research on the relationship between games and stress
Most gamers report that playing video games (even violent ones) is a way to relieve stress and enjoy playing with friends. There is also some evidence that many commercially available video games may be helpful in treating mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
However, much of the research on video games is based on the premise that games are stressful or psychologically harmful. Although this is not the whole story, there is some evidence to support this assumption.
There are many studies suggesting that playing violent video games is positively related to increased scores on measures of aggression. However, there is still much debate about how this translates into actual real-world behavior. Many labs that demonstrate this increase in aggression focus on thought and language, but not on actual behavior.
One study found that teens who played violent games experienced a slight increase in feelings of aggression, but the increase was barely detectable. Teenage girls had a slight increase in stress.
Research shows that the effects of video games on stress responses are complex and can vary depending on the type of game you play. Fighting games are associated with increased physical stress markers (e.g., increased blood pressure) compared to puzzle games, but they are also associated with increased self-reported positive emotions.
How video games can help relieve stress
Many of the studies that have found a link between video game violence and aggression actually do not show a clear link between exposure to violence in games and real-world aggression.
For example, most video game players don't walk around making loud noises to strangers after playing a game. This is primarily seen in laboratory settings where subjects are asked to do so.
Similarly, while there may be stress reactions caused by gaming, the overall self-assessment provided by gamers does not reflect the effects of social life, academic behavior, work behavior, or physical reactions (stress). No relevance to the problem was shown. This suggests that even if there is a negative impact, gamers themselves are unaware of it and its impact on their lives.
Cooperative games can reduce stress levels
One study looked at players playing competitive or cooperative games. As expected, there were differences in post-play stress levels, with the group that played cooperatively experiencing a greater reduction in stress levels, but the difference was small, with both groups having difficulty playing the game. I experienced a decrease in stress.
Additionally, both groups held positive feelings toward other players, but had slightly higher ratings for cooperative players. This is another way video games can provide a positive social experience and reduce stress.
Video games vs. meditative interventions
One study compared the stress-reducing effects of playing a simple casual video game to the effects of participating in a mindfulness meditation session. Both groups experienced a significant reduction in stress after the intervention.
The researchers suggested that the effects were very similar, although participants in the mindfulness meditation group experienced slightly greater stress reduction. Given the popularity of video games, researchers suggest that these tools could be an effective intervention for people dealing with stress.
Video games can be a particularly appealing stress reliever for teens, students, young adults, and others who enjoy playing games on computers, tablets, and game consoles.
How to use video games to better relieve stress
Overall, there is significant evidence that video games are not only fun, but can also be a great stress reliever for a variety of reasons. Video games can help reduce stress by increasing awareness of emotions and helping people respond in ways that improve coping and achieving goals.
Video games can improve emotional awareness
There is evidence that video games can be a safe and fun way to develop our emotional awareness and coping skills. A study from the Institute of Behavioral Sciences in the Netherlands looked at the gameplay of experienced gamers. star craft 2 To determine whether in-game coping mechanisms are related to overall stress levels.
They found that some players who became upset during gameplay found useful coping strategies to deal with their negative emotions.
The most useful strategies were resolving negative emotions (using problem solving or personal coping strategies) or seeking social support from other players.
Video games may increase interoceptive awareness
One of the key differences between those who coped well and those who didn't was their ability to monitor their emotions and inner state. This ability is known as interoceptive awareness.
By monitoring their internal state, people can take steps to maintain a healthy balance. They can do this by making beneficial decisions or asking for help to improve the situation. In fact, most games reward players for managing their emotions and working towards solutions in the face of stress.
Applications for everyday life
By understanding what worked best for these gamers, we can apply this information to our own lives. Developing interoceptive awareness and using it to maintain emotional balance is essential to healthy coping. More importantly, playing the game provides practice scenarios to develop these skills in a non-threatening and fun way. This is one of the benefits of playing the game.
Video games recommended for stress relief
If you're interested in trying video games to relieve stress, it may be helpful to learn more about what works and what to avoid. Here are some games recommended for stress relief.
casual games
These games can be picked up right away, played for a few minutes, and then played again. Includes easy challenges, short gameplay matches, the ability to stop and save at any time, and more.
Casual games are fun because they can provide a short break, a challenging but less stressful experience, and a change of focus. Casual games include Animal Crossing, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, and The Sims 4.
cooperative game
These games include challenges that you can complete together with other players. This has several advantages. One of the main benefits is that players can build a network of friends through the game. This can be not only comforting, but also empowering. When we were young, we loved playing games with our friends, but that need doesn't go away when we grow up.
Another benefit of cooperative gameplay is that players can help each other, provide symbolic support, and develop problem-solving skills with each other. These positive experiences and “wins” can be empowering and make you more resilient to stress.
As reported by our subjects, cooperative games can reduce stress and generate positive emotions among players. These games can also be played on handheld gaming consoles, computers, or via social media sites such as Facebook.
games for stress management
Some games were actually created to help players learn how to deal with stress more effectively. These games, while not necessarily as “mainstream” as others, can be particularly helpful in relieving stress.
Some games train players in meditation, others in biofeedback, allowing players to develop skills in powerful stress management techniques that can be used in virtually any stressful situation.
There are now many stress-relieving games that can be played on virtual reality (VR) headset devices. Some VR headsets you may consider trying include:
Games to improve stress management skills
Games that teach stress management skills are rare, but there are a few. Things to consider include:
- Relaxing Rhythms by Wild Devine: An old game that teaches biofeedback that uses finger sensors to provide in-game feedback.
- Muse: A game that uses a “brain-sensing headband” that provides feedback for meditation: Listen to nature sounds while meditating, but when your mind starts wandering, the natural sounds in the atmosphere will keep you awake until you regain your thoughts. It becomes more intense. Until the present moment. It's a device that's somewhere between a game and a tool, but could be fun and more interesting for many new meditation practitioners.
- Champions of the Shengha: A game where players wear sensors in real life and play calmly to become more powerful in-game and encourage the practice of mindfulness.
Champions of the Shengha is a remarkable game in that it encourages emotional mastery and allows players to become more powerful both in the game and in real life. Learning stress management techniques like mindfulness can be difficult, but is perfect for teens and others who love playing games.
games to learn skills
These games can train your brain power and specific abilities. The benefit is that it not only distracts from the source of stress, but also helps build executive function capacity, the ability to reduce stress, which helps you solve problems and organize your daily life. is.
Skill-building games can be puzzle games (such as crossword puzzles that can be played online or on a handheld gaming device), or they can be games that require quick thinking. This includes games such as:
A really fun game
Any game that you can really enjoy will relieve stress. Almost any game that you find truly enjoyable can be beneficial as a way to escape daily stress, break out of rumination patterns, and build positive emotions. Play, tune into your emotions during and after playing, and see what you enjoy the most.
The bottom line is that if you like gaming, it's probably a good stress reliever. Games with strong social elements, especially cooperative games, may be particularly beneficial as stress relief tools.
please keep in mind
It's important to remember that video games are time consuming and sometimes addictive. Please be careful about that. If you're having trouble controlling your video game playing time, or if gaming is causing problems in other areas of your life, consider looking for another stress reliever.
The obvious reason is to find games that don't require a huge time investment and are easy to get into (if you need to exit the game after a certain amount of time or only need to play for a limited amount of time). It may also be less stressful (rather than imposing severe penalties).
Ultimately, pay attention to how you feel during and after playing. Make adjustments based on your observations.