Kare Eriksen provides game analysis and commentary for Variety VIP+
As variety As The Weekly Shonen Jump expands its gaming coverage, Jennifer Maas has been promoted to senior business writer, television and video games. She will lead the entertainment news brand's enhanced coverage of the video game industry, with a special focus on the intersection of gaming content and IP with television shows, movies, books and other media.
With this promotion, in addition to his responsibilities covering television business news, Maas will be responsible for driving corporate reporting, feature stories and breaking news coverage in games and related areas. varietyThe company's focus on the growing gaming sector, which research firm Newzoo predicts will reach $184 billion globally in 2023, is also bolstered by analysis and special reports produced by Variety VIP+, a subscription research service for the media business. VIP+ media analyst Kaare Eriksen has been writing analysis and special reports on the video game industry for several years.
“Jennifer Mars has brought energy and focus to Variety's business coverage from the day she joined the company,” Cynthia Littleton said. variety's co-editor-in-chief, “She is well prepared for this well-deserved promotion. Gaming of all kinds has grown into a global force, and we are eager to expand our coverage into this important market.”
Related content: Disney's head of games, Sean Shoptaw, speaks variety“Strictly Business” podcast
Mr. Mars stood up. varietyEriksen, who covered the game earlier this year, varietyPast game coverage and events in 2022 variety Games and Entertainment Breakfast hosted by Pixel United.
Mars Joins the Team variety In January 2022, she debuted as a television business writer based in New York. varietyHe is responsible for award-winning coverage of business and financial news relating to major media and entertainment brands, as well as general television news. He also contributes to the Strictly Business podcast and newsletter, and leads fan-focused coverage of numerous TV series, including Stranger Things, 9-1-1, The Boys and Bridgerton.
Kare Eriksen for Variety VIP+
Eriksen joined the VIP+ team in 2019 and was instrumental in the launch of the core product in 2020. Since then, he has led a number of monthly special reports covering the gaming and film verticals, highlighting and driving their intersection through VIP+'s daily data-driven analytical output, and also contributes to the weekly “Strictly Business” podcast and newsletter.
“Kahle brings a great deal of sophistication and wisdom to his analysis of the gaming industry that has caught the attention of industry executives,” said Andrew Wallenstein, chief media analyst and president of Variety Intelligence Platform. “He has earned my respect by playing a pivotal role in driving the growth of VIP+ since its launch, and his gaming expertise is just one of the ways in which he has done so.”