“The” and “IRS” spell theirs.the government agrees
Only wise and resourceful thoughts bring me comfort during tax season. My idea is as follows.
“The best way to teach kids about taxes is to eat 30% ice cream.” (Bill Murray)
“What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector?” A taxidermist only strips your skin. ” (Mark Twain)
“It's fitting that April 14th is Pecan Nut Day, because it's a day to recognize nuts, and April 15th is a day to pay taxes to support nuts.” (Craig)・Ferguson)
Billy, that's a great idea. Mark, let's not forget that tax collectors also cut into our wallets. And, Craig, you do a great job of explaining why our tax system is weird.
Our nation's founders had a lot to say about taxes.
“What at first was plunder has become the soft name of revenue.” (Thomas Paine)
“I cannot lay my finger on the provision of the Constitution which gives Congress the right to expend the money of the voters on benevolent objects.” (James Madison)
“It would be a harsh government to tax the people one-tenth of their income.” (Ben Franklin)
Hey Tom, Jim and Ben, you'd be shocked at the level of plunder, “charity” and taxation that's going on right now. These days, the only Americans who enjoy an income tax of about 10% are Americans who moved to Russia.
The great leaders of the 20th century, the century that brought us the 16th Amendment and the income tax, have different views on taxation.
“We argue that for a nation to try to tax prosperity is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself by the handle.” (Winston Churchill)
“The government's view of the economy can be summed up in a few short phrases: When the economy moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, adjust. And when it stops moving, subsidize it.” (Reagan) president)
“Taxes, after all, are the dues we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society.” (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
Hey Frankie, I'd prefer to pay less taxes like Churchill and Reagan. I don't mind paying dues to an organized society, but any idea when I can receive it?
Here are more quotes that remind us of well-spoken politicians.
“Congress can raise taxes because it can persuade a large portion of the population that someone else should pay them.” (Milton Friedman)
“Have you ever noticed that when you put the words 'the' and 'IRS' together, you get 'THEIRS'?” (Unknown)
“We need to take better care of each other and pay each other less taxes.” (Bill Archer)
Now, some of our politicians think the way to take better care of each other is to tax us more. And some Americans fail to understand that there are no “rich” people that can be taxed, and that “taxing the rich” is code for “taxing everyone more.” Therefore, our taxes will go up and our government will receive more taxes. It's theirs. ”
Oh, well, there's not much to do for the next few weeks other than sympathize with other people struggling with their taxes. This quote perfectly sums up how millions of people are feeling right now.
“The wages of sin is death, but after taxes are deducted it is more like fatigue.” (Paula Poundstone)
Copyright 2024 Tom Purcell, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Newspaper Syndicate. For more information about Purcell's syndicated columns, humor books, and entertaining videos, visit TomPurcell.com.