Veteran Japanese film producer Muneyuki Kii has launched a bold new venture that shakes up Japan's traditionally rigid and risk-averse approach to film financing. The executive, a former chief producer at Tokyo-based Studio Toei, announced Thursday's launch of K2 Pictures, a mini-studio aimed at introducing a more direct Hollywood-style film financing model to the Japanese industry. revealed.
The new company plans to launch a content fund called “K2P Film Fund I” to finance both live-action and animated films in Japan. K2P also has an impressive roster of Japanese directors to collaborate on the first installment, including Palme d'Or winner Hirokazu Kore-eda (shoplifting family), local industry leader Takashi Miike (Ichi the Killer, 13 assassins), Shunji Iwai (love letter), Miwa Nishikawa (sway), Kazuya Shiraishi (devil's pathMAPPA is a major anime studio known for mega-hit works such as ”. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 and Attack on Titan.
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Mr. Kii will serve as CEO of K2P, and other senior executives at the launch include Tetsuro Koda, co-founder of Japanese games and comics publisher Akatsuki, and Fred, Asia chairman of investment management company BentallGreenOak.・Includes Mr. Schmidt. Kii spent over 25 years at Toei, creating both live-action and anime works.Some highlights include: Hideaki Anno Evangelion New Theatrical Version: 3.0 Can be re-done (cannot be done) and Shin Kamen RiderTakehiko Inoue's first slam dunkMr. Iwai kylie And Miike's first loveand many more.
For decades, most Japanese films have been produced under the country's so-called “production committee” system. Under this scheme, a group of film companies, television stations and publishers (often 10) band together to co-fund a project. While this system is an effective means of mitigating economic risk for existing industry players, it has long been a drag in stifling creative risk-taking, limiting outside investment, and reducing artists' bargaining power. has been exposed to criticism.
K2 Pictures said in a statement: “We aim to create new ways to evolve this film ecosystem into a 'filmmaking fund', following approaches used in Hollywood and around the world.” . “This new film ecosystem envisioned by K2 Pictures will enrich film production by returning the profits traditionally earned by traditional film companies to both investors and creators.”
The company's launch comes at a time when many analysts are bullish on the growing international potential of Japan's entertainment industry. The company's fund will offer domestic and international investors a new avenue to participate in high-profile entertainment projects in Japan.
“Through the launch of K2 Pictures, we aim to bring about a major change in the Japanese film industry, while also giving new domestic and international investors a chance to enter this thriving film industry. ” says Mr. Joi. “It is clear that there is a growing interest in Japan-related content around the world. Therefore, we are committed to making the local film industry more active, fair and profitable in the global market, while also attracting audiences. We are committed to building a robust content pipeline that will
To celebrate the launch of the company and the fund, K2 Pictures will host a presentation at the upcoming Cannes Film Festival. The event will be held on May 18th at 12:45 pm at the JW Marriott Hotel, and Miwa Nishikawa and Takashi Miike will perform.
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