This memo is in response to an article you wrote and published in the Chandler Independent about “Teen Violence.”
It is the full responsibility of parents and guardians to manage, teach, and maintain the behavior of their teens. This kind of behavior has not only recently reared its ugly head.
This is a learned behavior and it is the parent's full responsibility to model and teach the consequences of bad behavior.
I don't understand or accept this concept of parents thinking and expecting school systems and police to do more to end teen violence.
This is not the purpose of either department. This is so sad.
It is completely unacceptable for parents to expect others to deal with their child's bad behavior and shows once again how irresponsible their parenting skills are.
Giving parental control to schools and police is the first step towards the breakdown of the family unit.
They are also exhibiting the same behaviors that their children are now exhibiting.
Parents need to take responsibility for their children's behavior and stop blaming others for their lack of parenting skills.
What is needed are parenting classes for all parents throughout the school day, and contracts signed by parents and students that acknowledge responsibility and consequences for failure.
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