***Featured: Sen. Murray's Questions for Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III***
Washington DC – Today, during a Senate Appropriations and Defense Subcommittee hearing on the Department of Defense's fiscal year 2025 budget request, U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, spoke about pressing global challenges and national security. He talked about security threats. Not only will we ensure that the Department of Defense (DOD) has the resources it needs to keep our country safe next year, but we will also ensure that Congress provides essential resources across government to keep our country strong and secure. We recognize the importance of doing so. Senator Murray also discussed the importance of the recently passed National Security Supplemental Bill that he negotiated.
In his opening remarks, Senator Murray said:
“Right now, we face many serious challenges around the world. That's why Vice Chairman Collins and I are committed to working through the impasse to provide support to our allies, especially Ukraine, humanitarian assistance to civilians, And we crafted and passed a strong national security package that sends a message to our allies and adversaries alike: We are strong enough and united enough to lead the free world.
“We didn't just pass a bill; we passed an important test on the world stage.
“And, lest anyone forget, the bill that the House ultimately passed was essentially identical to the bill that the Senate passed more than two months ago.
“But delay and inaction have not come without a cost. We, and our allies, have lost valuable time and resources over the past two months that will never be regained.
“This is similar to the costs we face every time we agree to a government shutdown or put the government on autopilot under continuing resolutions. There are also costs to these situations, especially China Neither Russia nor Russia face any threat of government shutdown or CR.
“I’m sure we all agree that democracies are stronger than dictatorships, but we need to prove it, and that requires bipartisan cooperation.
“Because, as we all know, our work is far from done. We must make smart investments to preserve American leadership and reduce global conflict and instability.” Of course, it also helps keep our country safe.
“It's about ensuring our military remains the best in the world, supporting our service members who make great sacrifices to keep our country safe, and supporting our allies to keep our country strong.” It means taking a holistic approach. “
Senator Murray spoke of the severe fiscal constraints imposed by the federal government. fiscal responsibility law He reiterated that Congress must work together to provide vital resources to the Department of Defense and other critical initiatives and programs beyond defense as well.
“While we are working within severe fiscal constraints, Secretary Austin, we need to ensure that not only does your department have the resources it needs to execute the National Defense Strategy, but that our counterparts across the government also implement our national defense strategy.” It is critical that we have the resources we need to maintain a safe country.
“The 1% increase in funding provided under the cap in FY25 is insufficient for non-defense spending as well as for the Pentagon. To create and pass 12 bipartisan bills for FY2024 We know this clearly because we just started working together.
“So as members discuss how we can increase investment to better meet our defense needs, we cannot ignore the needs here at home as well.
“For additional funding beyond the caps mentioned by the Vice-Chairmen, we will insist on parity with non-defence spending to ensure that children and families are funded and kept safe.
“Ultimately, our security depends on the diplomatic corps working around the clock to prevent and end conflict, on counterterrorism efforts and law enforcement officers working to identify and disrupt threats, on public health systems and Pandemic response efforts also rely on law enforcement, sanctions to stop funding for dictators like Putin, efforts to counter the influence of the Chinese Communist Party, and research and manufacturing. This is an effort to maintain a cutting-edge position in fields such as: ”
Senator Murray then asked Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III: “I would like to thank you for your work with colleagues across the government, including the Departments of State and Commerce and many other agencies, and the work you are doing to keep our country safe and incorporate their efforts into our National Defense Strategy.” Can you tell me how it's helping you?”
In response, Commissioner Austin said:
“Chairman Murray, you've heard a number of secretaries say that if we don't provide the appropriate level of funding to states and other entities, we're going to need more bullets. Because they are doing great and important work to move things forward in a direction that will improve stability and safety in all regions of the world.
“So this whole-of-government approach, this interdepartmental interaction that supports our goals and objectives, is what makes us effective. So it's important that they have support. ”
Senator Murray also asked Secretary Austin how the $60 billion that Congress just approved to assist Ukraine in its fight against President Putin is being utilized. Secretary Austin responded in part:
“We are bringing forward deployment of critical items such as air defense interceptors and artillery shells in anticipation of the possibility of additional proposals being approved and, if approved, moving them quickly to support Ukraine.” We're doing that. I talk to my counterpart in Ukraine every week, and I actually spoke to him yesterday to find out how the situation is going and what his most important needs are. I just checked what this is. Again, I think this is very, very helpful, but to your point, it's hard to buy time, but given that, this assistance is helpful. I think Ukraine is going to have a very hard time defending what's going on without the Russians and their superior forces.”