PIERRE, S.D. (KELO) — Here is a summary of South Dakota government board and commission meetings and public hearings on proposed administrative rule changes that will be open to the public in the new week beginning Monday, May 20th. To do. , 2024.
Click on the name (highlighted in blue) to view meeting details. Please note that the event may be postponed due to bad weather or other reasons.
Monday, May 20th
Educational Standards Committee9 a.m. CT, 800 Governors Drive in Pierre, business meeting and public hearing, teleconference and public hearing on proposed changes to teacher licensure regulations and moving youth suicide awareness and prevention requirements from accreditation to accreditation.
Insurance section1:30 p.m. Central Time, Public Hearing on Proposed Rule Changes, 124 S. Euclid Avenue, Pierre.
optometric examination committee6 p.m. Central Time, video conference.
Tuesday, May 21st
Congress, Appropriations Committee8 a.m. Central Time, Capitol Building Room 362.
correction committee10 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
Nursing Committee, HPAP CommitteeConnecticut noon, conference call, 4109 S. Carnegie Circle, Sioux Falls.
finance committee2 p.m. CT, video conference and Bear Butte conference room on the second floor of the Capitol.
one call boardExecutive Committee, 2:00 p.m. CT, conference call.
Wednesday, May 22nd
massage therapy board9 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
brand board10 a.m. CT/11 a.m. CT, conference call, 1440 Fountain Plaza Drive, Rapid City.
Thursday, May 23rd
transportation committee9 a.m. Central Time, 700 E Broadway Avenue, Pierre.
Crime Victim Compensation Committee9:30 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
technical education committee10 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
aviation committee2 p.m. CT, E. 700 Broadway Avenue, Pierre.
Friday, May 24th
No public meeting was scheduled.
Monday, May 27th
anniversary. State offices will be closed for the holiday.
Keloland Capitol Reporter Bob Mercer of Pierre compiled this information on Friday afternoon, May 17, 2024. State law requires state boards and commissions to post notice of public meetings 72 hours in advance, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and official state holidays. Parliament is not subject to the notification law.
*Please check boardsandcommissions.sd.gov and sdlegislature.gov State committees, commissions, and legislative sessions that have been posted since this weekly list was compiled. Livecasts of select meetings can be viewed at: sd.net. Many meetings are available via teleconference. Check the agenda and sd.net for audio availability.