PIERRE, South Dakota (KELO) — Here are summaries of South Dakota government board and commission meetings, legislative committee meetings, and three public hearings on proposed administrative rule changes. These are open to the public during this period. A new week begins on Monday, April 15, 2024.
Click on the name (highlighted in blue) to view meeting details. Please note that the event may be postponed due to bad weather or other reasons.
Monday, April 15th
Expert Committee on Addiction and Prevention9 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
Insurance section9:30 a.m. Central Time, Public Hearing on Proposed Administrative Rule Changes, 124 N. Euclid Avenue, Pierre.
Parliament, Regulation Review Committee10 a.m. Central Time, video conference, Room 414, Capitol Building.
Tuesday, April 16th
animal industry committee8:30 a.m. Central Time, 411 S. Fort Street, Pierre.
electricity commission9 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
Access to court committees10 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
Law Enforcement Officer Standards Board10 a.m. CT / 9 a.m. CT, Lodge, 100 Pinecrest Drive, Deadwood.
nursing committeeHPAP Committee, noon central time, conference call, 4109 S. Carnegie Circle, Sioux Falls.
state integrity commission1 p.m. CT, 1060 Third Street SW, Huron.
social welfare committee1:30 p.m. Central Time, video conference, 700 Governors Drive in Pierre.
finance committee2 p.m. CT, video conference and Bear Butte conference room on the second floor of the Capitol.
Operator Certification Committee2 p.m. CT, 523 E. Capitol Avenue, Pierre.
Wednesday, April 17th
Board of Pardons and Paroles9 a.m. Central Time, Parole and Pardon Hearing, videoconference, 1600 North Drive, Sioux Falls.
railway commission11 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
Birth of the three-ministerial coordination council3 p.m. Central Time, video conference.
Thursday, April 18th
Board of Pardons and Paroles8:30 a.m. Central Time, Business Meeting, 1600 North Drive, Sioux Falls.
plumbing committee10 a.m. Central Time, video conference.
state library commission1:30 p.m. CT, video conference, 800 Governors Drive, Pierre.
aviation committee2 p.m. Central Time, Public Hearing on Proposed Administrative Rule Changes, Business Meeting, Teleconference, 700 E. Broadway Avenue, Pierre.
Friday, April 19th
Ministry of Public Health, 9 a.m. CT, public hearing on proposed administrative rule changes, 600 E. Capitol Avenue (Hayes Building, next to Capitol Lake), Pierre. (Due to weather, it has been postponed to March 25th.)
Monday, April 22nd
Educational Standards Committee9 a.m. (MT)/10 a.m. (CT), conference call, Holiday Inn Downtown, 505 North Fifth Street, Rapid City.
Free Scholarship Committee11 a.m. PT, 500 S. Minnesota Ave., Sioux Falls.
Medical and Osteopathy Examination BoardOccupational Therapy Committee, 1:00 p.m. (Central Time), conference call, and 101 N. Main Avenue, Suite 301, Sioux Falls.
Keloland Capitol Reporter Bob Mercer of Pierre compiled this information on Friday, April 12, 2024. State law requires state boards and commissions to post notice of public meetings 72 hours in advance, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and official state holidays. Parliament is not subject to the notification law.
*Please check boardsandcommissions.sd.gov and sdlegislature.gov State committees, commissions, and legislative sessions that have been posted since this weekly list was compiled. Select meeting broadcasts are available for viewing at: sd.net. Many meetings are available via teleconference. Check the agenda and sd.net for audio availability.