Scam messages are frequently encountered on WhatsApp. To avoid becoming a victim of cyber scams, it is best to ignore and block such messages. As this user X usually does, he decided to reply to one such scam message he received on Meta-owned platform. At first, he decided to call the scammer and “smack him down,” but then he settled for a chat. But little did he know that the conversation would take such an unusual and, in some ways, heartwarming turn, with the scammer congratulating him on his wedding and sharing valuable cyber security tips with him.
X user Chetty Arun shared a thread showing his interaction with the scammer along with WhatsApp screenshots. In the thread, the scammer opens up to Arun and talks about how he has been scamming people for the past 10 years. It also explains how APK files are used to take control of victims' mobile phones. Towards the end, the impostor wishes Arun good luck.
See the first few tweets of the X thread here.
How did X users react to that tweet?
“We love everything about this thread! Being educated but still human,” user X posted.
“I swear this was funnier than any comedy show,” another shared.
“This was too good to be true but should be shared to raise public awareness,” said a third.
A fourth commented: “This is the most exciting story of any movie or web series.”
“He was very interested in your DP so he asked a couple of times,” added a fifth man.
“It was sweet and beautiful. He is such a kind-hearted and wonderful person. The way he responded is also commendable. Thank you for sharing this information. I hope the boy gets a better job in life. I hope so,” a sixth man added.
“I don't know what to think about scammers after reading this thread,” a sixth person wrote.
How can you protect yourself from cyber fraud on WhatsApp?
WhatsApp has shared some tips to help you protect yourself from cyber scams.
1. Stop and think before opening a link or attachment from an unknown sender.
2. If you cannot confirm the contact's identity, stop the conversation.
3. Block and report suspicious contacts.
4. Update your privacy and security settings.
What do you think about the conversation between the scammer and the X user?
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