Prayer for safe travel
Written by Heidi Vegh
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God; and the peace of God, something beyond all understandingHe will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. ” – Phil 4:6-7
God has given us a beautiful world full of amazing adventures. Whether we're traveling far from home or driving to the next town, there's always something waiting for us. We travel for many different reasons. Visit family, work, seek adventure, attend a wedding or funeral, or simply satisfy your curiosity. My family loves airplanes, but getting in the car and taking long road trips brings a different kind of joy and adventure, creating fun and silly memories. We live in Seattle, but most of our family is in Salt Lake City. When I have enough money, I fly. But between the six of us, we often make 13-hour drives with our pup in tow.
Any type of travel can cause anxiety. It's great fun to leave the comfort of your home, but you often feel anxious while you're away. Is my house okay? Are there random leaks? Did someone break in and we forgot to set the alarm? And nightmare images tend to creep in, like a car accident or something tragic happening while we're out. I know I'm not the only one stuck in a worst-case scenario mindset because we've all heard those nightmarish stories.
In this day and age, travel is more accessible than ever. However, recent events and the fact that terrorists have become a part of our lives tend to bring anxiety, especially when it comes to air travel. When you take off on a plane, a completely different fear creeps into your mind. I won't go into those because I know most of us have the same idea. But for some reason…we continue our journey. why? Because we don't want fear to control us and prevent us from experiencing life. We boldly trust unknown pilots and mechanics to take us safely to our destinations because we know the statistics are in our favor.
So what happens when fear actually overwhelms us, anxiety and fear become so bad that we question whether it's worth the fuss to travel? It may sound like a good thing to always and forever remain grounded in the comfort of your own home. But is this living our best life for God? Is this where God wants us to sit when He calls us to adventure and gives us so many reasons to step out of our comfort zones?
God knows everything. He knows our fears. He knows our doubts and the mind-numbing wheels of thought that keep looping as we stand in line. The Bible promises that with Jesus we can fight fear and put our trust in Him.
Psalm 25:1-2 says, “Lord my God, I trust in you. Please” (NIV).
When we live our lives for Jesus and fill our hearts with His promises and truths, we can win the battle against fear. It may be a constant battle, and our insecurities may fight hard to keep us engaged, but we have the best weapon above all, the name of Jesus. When I'm nervous on a plane, I repeat this poem.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and you will receive the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.” He will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” – Phil 4:6-7.
Let's pray:
Lord, You know when I sit down and when I rise up. (Psalm 139:1) You know every hair of my head (Matthew 10:26) and every anxious thought I have. (Psalm 139:23). You care about where I am and where I want to go. You want me to meet loved ones, seize opportunities to explore the beauty of your world, and live a fulfilling life. However, I feel anxious when I leave the house. I fear the worst for my home and the family I am traveling with. If you leave your family alone, you won't be able to approach them because you're afraid something will happen to them. I'm terrified of the confined spaces of airplanes and often find myself preoccupied with worst-case scenarios.
Lord, I rebuke this fear today. I refuse to get caught up in it and steal my joy. I want to enjoy my travels, airport crowds, takeoffs and landings because I know what awaits me at my destination. I know that being with you brings good things, whether it's work or pleasure. Stories, experiences and sights that prove your beauty and give you a reason to admire you. Relax while traveling. Fill my heart with the truth of Your Word that can soothe my fearful soul. Please give me peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7), and help me to rest in You. (Matthew 11:28). Thank you for the opportunity to travel.
In your precious name we pray, amen.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/freemixer
Heidi Vegh He is an author, speaker, and missionary leader living in Western Washington. She is the mother of her four children from her second marriage, and she has had a blended family life since she lost her first husband to cancer in 2013. She aspires to use her own writing as a means to encourage others who have experienced her loss and guide them on her path to healing. She contributes to her blog at, sharing stories of faith and devotion stemming from her loss and healing, her mother's presence, and her complex blended family. She graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a degree in Creative Writing and English and is working on her first book. Heidi is a women's ministry director at a local church and has a deep heart for sharing Jesus with women and encouraging them in their walk of faith. When she's not writing, she loves traveling, reading, crafting, and experimenting in the kitchen. For more information, please visit her on Facebook and on her Instagram (@mrsheidivegh).
“Teach Us to Pray” is a free prayer podcast hosted by iBelieve writer Christina Patterson. Each week, she provides down-to-earth, practical tips on how to grow your faith and relationship with God through the power of prayer. Click below to hear her episode on what to pray in the morning for a worry-free day.
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