The governor said camera footage will be deleted after 28 days and will not be shared with third parties, and the CHP will continue to comply with state orders prohibiting automatic license plate reader data from being shared with other states that could use that information. Then he emphasized. To track people seeking or providing abortions.
The camera is manufactured by Flock Safety, an Atlanta, Georgia-based company that manufactures and sells security systems and surveillance cameras for public agencies and private neighborhood watch groups.
The announcement did not specify the budget or scope of the deal with Flock, nor did it reveal exactly where the cameras would be installed.
The announcement came amid growing concerns about crime in and around Auckland, and was criticized by organizations and residents over how surveillance data would be used.
“Every dollar we spend on surveillance cameras is not spent on proven public safety strategies,” said Kat Brooks, executive director of the Counter-Police Terrorism Project, regarding the new cameras. said in a statement. He also noted that cameras are more likely to be installed in low-income neighborhoods, and residents of color are likely to be disproportionately affected.
The announcement comes as the city of Oakland struggles to stem a surge in violent crime and follows several safety measures previously initiated by Newsom's office. Violent crime rose 21% in 2023 from the previous year, murders remained flat at 120, while robberies rose 38% and vehicle thefts rose 45%, according to the police department's year-end data (PDF) . .
“This builds on the work we did just a few weeks ago,” Newsom said, referring to last month's announcement to deploy 120 CHP officers on short-term “surge” operations to crack down on theft and violent crime. ” he said. His office also sent several state prosecutors to assist the Alameda County District Attorney's Office in prosecuting the growing number of cases resulting from the increased number of arrests.
Newsom said the surge has already resulted in 200 arrests and 400 vehicles recovered.
Oakland Mayor Shen Tao also announced earlier this month that increased law enforcement presence along the besieged Hegenberger Corridor leading to Oakland International Airport had already led to a noticeable drop in crime in the area.
Notably, Newsom chose to make Friday's video announcement from the same street.