New Delhi: Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Thursday shared a video clip that shows a person playing a video game just by thinking, thanks to a Neuralink brain chip.
A video shared with X shows paraplegic Noland Arbaugh, 29, playing online chess using only his head.
“Do you see the cursor on the screen?” That's me. It’s all about brain power,” he reportedly said in a video clip shared by Musk.
He also managed to move his computer mouse from side to side on an online chessboard.
“Livestream from @Neuralink demonstrating 'telepathy' to control computers and play video games just by thinking,” the billionaire posted.
A follower said: “This is beautiful to see. You can see how happy he is to be in control again. This is when science does some really good things!”
Last month, the owner of said.
“The patient appears to be doing well and has made a full recovery, but we are aware of the neurological effects. The patient can move the mouse on the screen just by thinking,” Musk said at X's Spaces event. mentioned in. .
Musk said his company's first product, called Telepathy, would allow people to control phones and computers just by thinking.