Nearly four and a half years after the coronavirus pandemic began, Congress is well informed about U.S. government funding for risky research projects, such as the work done at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. I am determined that I need to. (WIV), to avoid making the same mistake again.
Between 118th Members of Congress, I signed a letter requesting that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) provide information and documentation regarding past and present unsafe research projects and biosecurity practices, including those clearly related to the novel coronavirus. Contains data on the origin of infectious diseases.
As chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, I held a hearing in 2023 to review biosafety and risk research.
I also participated in the transcription of private interviews with Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Francis Collins of the NIH, and Dr. Peter Daszak, president of the EcoHealth Alliance.
Mr. Daszak was the lead collaborator on the NIH grant application and was responsible for providing progress reports on the EcoHealth research.
EcoHealth is a company that received a grant from NIAID, which awarded WIV a grant to conduct research on the evolution and transmission of coronaviruses.
In my November 2023 deposition, I asked Mr. Daszak about the long delay in EcoHealth's fifth-year progress report, which is scheduled to be submitted in September 2019. He said he made “efforts” to submit progress reports on time, but was unable to get the NIH system to work.
Recall that there is evidence that the virus originated in China in November or December 2019.
Deficiency reports will not be submitted until August 2021.
During Mr. Daszak's November interview, after I asked specific questions about the report and asked if there had been any changes, he first said there were no changes, and then the September 2019 version that he tried to submit. and that there were no “significant” changes between the version submitted in August 2021. .
After transcribing the interview, the whistleblower provided us with a draft progress report dated May 2020. In the statement, EcoHealth states that the spread of bat coronavirus is due to the spread of infection. unusual event in southern China and Southeast Asia.
However, in its 5th year progress report, which it formally submitted in August 2021, EcoHealth stated that the virus transmission of coronavirus from bats to humans, despite the fact that it should have used exactly the same data as in the original draft. said it could affect many people. 1 million people in southern China and Southeast Asia.
To me, the difference between “very rare” people and “a million” people is an important distinction.
However, during the May 1 hearing of the Special Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, I asked Mr. Daszak the reason for the change from May 2020 to August 2021. Did he have conversations with Fauci or his NIAID colleagues? Was he under outside pressure? Or did he make the changes to potentially hide his EcoHealth liability?
He claimed that science had changed! But that wasn't what he told me in November 2023. And I gave him some chances.
Daszak clearly wasn't telling the truth.
He lied to me and Congress in November! There must be some reason.
The Select Subcommittee's report recommends formal disbarment and criminal investigation against EcoHealth and Daszak.
Unfortunately, I believe this is unlikely to happen under the Biden Justice Department.
A jury of Americans should decide whether there is a significant difference between a “very rare” event and “as many as 1 million” people becoming infected with the virus.
But Mr. Fauci and the person NIAID entrusts our tax dollars to insist there is no real difference.
Additionally, EcoHealth did not obtain the required logbooks from WIV.
Suspicions that there was a lab leak at WIV will never be completely dispelled, as Wuhan did not submit critical data to EcoHealth as requested. Additionally, EcoHealth did not require Wuhan to provide data pursuant to its contractual obligations.
And can we even trust the data we actually get?
It comes down to whether you believe that “very rare” cases and “1 million cases per year” are practically the same.
I don't.
I do not trust information from WIV or EcoHealth.
I also don't understand that NIAID continues to fund ecohealth research.
Not to worry, the government has now announced that it is extremely rare for bird flu to be transmitted to humans.
Sound familiar?
And is NIAID doing dangerous research on other viruses like animal pox?
If so, who are they working with?
I will continue to thoroughly investigate the facts and work to make government research projects safer.
– Congressman Morgan Griffiths