Lara Croft, the protagonist of the Tomb Raider series, was voted the most iconic video game character of all time. The news was announced just days before the 20th BAFTA Game Awards, which will be held on April 11th. According to a BAFTA news release, Lara beat out Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog for the top spot. This is based on responses from her 4,000+ gamers around the world. BAFTA described Lara Croft as a “heroine for generations”. She made her debut in the original Tomb Raider in 1996.
Actor Cherie Blond, who voiced Lara in the original, said, “She went from a very edgy, childish picture to something very cinematic.” BBC.
Blonde added that while she wasn't surprised by the poll results, she hasn't played the game herself.
“What's so iconic about Lara Croft is the fact that she's the female lead character in a video game. She's all about girl power and female empowerment. She's at the forefront and it's all about adventure.” said the blonde.
Released on PC, PlayStation, and Sega consoles, the game revolutionized the industry and inspired the wider Lara Croft series in the form of a movie starring Angelina Jolie and a Netflix series scheduled for later this year. has been launched.
The game allows gamers to wander through an open world relying on hints on how to advance to the next level. Lara Croft went on missions all over the world, including the pyramids of Egypt and the mountains of Tibet.
As of 2023, 19 Tomb Raider games have been released. On February 14th, coinciding with Lara Croft's birthday, the first three games in the series were re-released as remasters.