A national public consultation on care is seeking policy solutions to address emerging challenges in care. take care Canada study
Toronto, May 1, 2024 /CNW/ – The demand for care is increasing, the number of elderly caregivers is increasing, the number of people providing care is decreasing, and the population is aging and rates of disability and mental health conditions are increasing. The rise has made care needs more complex. These are the following findings. take care Canada, New research published by the Canadian Center for Caregiving Excellence (CCCE). This study analyzed the results of her survey of more than 3,000 caregivers and care providers across Canada.
take care Canada highlight:
Caregiving has a negative impact on the health of caregivers. One in four caregivers report having good or poor mental health. Caregivers feel tired (47%), worried and anxious (44%), or overwhelmed (37%) because of their caregiving responsibilities.
Caregivers are doing “extra work”-shift. “ Caregivers provide an average of 5.1 hours of care per day, which adds up to more than 30 hours of unpaid care, roughly equivalent to a full-time job.
Many of our caregivers are over 65 years old and may need additional care. Nearly one in five caregivers is over 65 years old. Elderly caregivers are the least likely to have access to services and support to assist with their responsibilities, from home improvements to respite and transportation services.
Caregiving can pose a significant financial burden. Half of caregivers have experienced financial stress due to caregiving in the past year.One in five caregivers (22%) provide financial support to their care recipient, and 22% report spending at least $1,000 Monthly out-of-pocket amount.
The shortage of care workers is related to poor working conditions. 80% of paid care providers, such as personal support workers and direct support professionals for people with disabilities, are considering changing jobs due to low pay, inadequate staffing, discrimination, and lack of safe working conditions. .
Diverse communities face additional barriers and lack of support. Racialized, Indigenous, and LGBTQ2S+ caregivers are more likely to experience negative impacts of caregiving. For example, nearly half of racialized caregivers experience financial hardship due to caregiving, compared to 34% of non-racialized caregivers.
jump in take care Canada
take care Canada Financial support has been identified as the most important priority for caregivers in this country. Four in five carers (80%) said free counseling and mental health support was important, with women aged 25-44 and carers significantly more likely to find this helpful .
This study showed that older caregivers have the lowest levels of awareness and uptake of available supports and services. This population may also be dealing with age-related challenges themselves, so increased knowledge and engagement is needed to outweigh the potential risk of escalation of the current crisis. Including diverse caregiver voices, including Indigenous, LGBTQ2S+, youth, and racialized caregivers, in policy and program discussions is also critical to designing effective solutions.
Creating a bright future for care
In addition to informing you of the latest treatment status, take care Canada It identifies areas for policy development that address some of the most pressing issues experienced by caregivers. Reforms to workplace policies and employment protections, such as access to carer-specific leave and carer allowances for those juggling work and caregiving responsibilities, are just a few examples. Care providers also expressed the need for better benefits, working conditions, unionization and training, as well as increased remuneration, support and workplace safety.
take care Canada The CCCE will inform the development of the National Care Strategy, due to be published in autumn 2024. CCCE has been advocating such a strategy since its launch in 2024. May 2022 To support this effort, CCCE has organized the Care Champions Table. The table includes a team of leaders from across the aging, disability, and disease community, as well as researchers and people with real-world experience advising on innovative policy solutions. In the Union Budget 2024, the Minister Chrystia Freeland The government has committed to developing a national care strategy.
CCCE has also launched a public consultation to ensure the strategy reflects the voices of all those who provide care. During Her May, National Carers Month, the public is invited to fill out an online participation form or attend one of four online sessions held weekly throughout the month. Registration for online sessions is available on the CCCE website.
”take care Canada It has been identified that policy solutions that make life easier for carers, care providers and care recipients are urgently needed. These include the introduction of direct remuneration for carers, easier access to support such as home care, respite and mental health care, workplace policies that support carers in balancing work and care, and the care provider sector. reforms included. ” liv mendelsohnCCCE Secretary General
“While it has been a great honor to care for my son throughout his life, juggling between caring for him 24/7, caring for his younger brother, and managing my freelance work as a single mom has made me very happy. should now have the option to put their own needs aside and allow them to thrive.” jennifer johannessen,caregiver Guelph, Ontario.
About CCCE
CCCE is an initiative of the Azrieli Foundation, founded to support and empower family caregivers and care providers. Canada. We bring together stakeholders from across the country to put knowledge into practice, scale what works, and close gaps through innovation. Guided by four focus areas: support networks and knowledge sharing. Education and leadership development. advocacy and policy development; On Inclusion and Underserved Communities, CCCE works closely with our partners and grantees toward common goals and a better experience for all those we care for. Our expertise and insights gained from real-world experience help campaign for better systems and lasting change.
SOURCE Azrieli Foundation (Canada Center for Caregiving Excellence)
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