Wednesday, January 24, 2024, Kingston City Hall. (Tania Barriklo/Daily Freeman)
KINGSTON, N.Y. — The City of Kingston received the 2024 Local Government Achievement Award and the 2024 New City Council Charter Award in two separate ceremonies Thursday, according to an announcement Thursday.
The Local Government Achievement Award, presented by the New York State Conference of Mayors, and the Charter Award, presented by the New Cities Conference, both recognized Kingston Forward, a city form-based zoning code initiative.
The new code, adopted in August 2023, is one of the few form-based zoning codes nationwide. According to the announcement, the ordinance would eliminate minimum parking requirements and legalize accessory dwelling units (ADUs), corner stores and other types of mixed-use development.
The zoning code also focuses on the reuse of Kingston's historic buildings and aims to improve the city's walkability.
“We believe this community-led initiative will truly transform how and where new development is created in Kingston, making it more equitable and sustainable,” Mayor Stephen Noble said in a prepared statement. said. “We are already beginning to see new projects creating much-needed housing, particularly the important ‘missing middle’ and affordable developments.”
For more information on the new zoning code, please visit