DAMASCUS, Va. (WJHL) – Appalachian Trail Days has arrived in the small town of Damascus. Thousands of hikers were on the trail there.
The annual Trail Days festival celebrates all things Appalachian Trail and gives thru-hikers and section hikers an opportunity to stock up on gear. Although the event is aimed at those who have joined the trail, organizers said there is something for everyone.
“We do educational programs to help people learn about hiking,” said Trail Days Committee Chair Beatty Jackson. “We have people who were already here years ago and come back as alumni to see the friends they made on the trail.”
Many of the vendors who participated have been attending the festival for many years and said the event was truly special.
“This is the largest trail event we hold in the United States each year,” said Whitney “Ol Good” Ralfa. LaRuffa is vice president of sales and marketing for Six Moon Designs, a company specializing in ultralight trail gear. “I feel like if you really want to be a part of that space, you absolutely need to come to this event.”
“I'm from Oregon and live in the West, but my roots are here hiking the Appalachian Trail, so I come back once a year and get to be a part of this community.” Mandy Brand said. The brand owns the Purple Rain Adventure He Skirt, a company that specializes in functional skirts for those who hike the trails.
Veteran vendors aren't the only ones who find this event special. Even those using the vendor for the first time say the experience is unlike any other.
“Today and the last few days, there was this excitement of, 'Oh, I'm so glad I went!' I love your food, and this is perfect for me,” said Good-to, a company specializing in trail meals. – said Jennifer Schism, chef and founder of Go. “It was really exciting.”
“Everything is going well,” said Rob Gasbarro, co-owner of Outdoor 76, an outdoor store that recently started specializing in footwear. “This is a good affirmation that helps us realize that what we're doing is good.”
Hikers and vendors said what makes Trail Days unique is not the gear or the products being sold, but the people and their stories.
“[It’s] It’s a great time to gather and hang out in the Appalachian Trail community,” said the hiker, who goes by the trail name “Masters.”
“Masters,” “NPR,” and “Phogat” all met while hiking the trail. Both Masters and NPR stumbled upon this festival by chance.
“Last year, I hiked to Damascus during Trail Days,” NPR reported. “It was great timing, [I am] I was very lucky to be there during that time. ”
“Last year we went hiking and walked into town,” Masters said. “I came back this year to see so many friends.”
This is not the first time Phogat has participated in the festival. He said people really keep him coming back.
“The important thing for me is to reconnect with people,” Phogat said. “These are the people I’m currently walking the trails with.”
For more information about Trail Days, please visit our website.