Masayuki Kibe, a writer known for his involvement in the Japanese variety show “Game Center CX,” has started a new video game-themed game show on TV Asahi (discovered by: Gosokkyu!)
The show, called Paja Pico, is billed as a “gaming pajama party” and involves various celebrity guests wearing their best pajamas and playing games together on the couch. It airs every Tuesday at 00:45 (JST) in Japan, and is hosted by Japanese comedian, singer, and YouTuber Eiko Kano.
The first episode, which aired earlier today, was themed around the original Street FighterIt also included a preview. Meteor Arena — A new smartphone game scheduled for release in Japan in summer 2024.
Guests on this first show included Japanese idol and cosplayer Kyohei Takahashi. Ayaka 0131and internet personality R Fujimoto. Next time, violinist Sumire Hirotsuru and Atsuhiro Tsuda from the comedy duo Diane will appear.