TIRUPATI: Finance Minister Bhugana Rajendranath Reddy has said that Donu Assembly constituency has played a central role in development in the last five years and made rapid progress under the YSRCP government, unlike in the last 75-odd years. He said it was possible.
The Finance Minister, who is confident of securing a hat-trick victory in the Donu Assembly constituency in Nandyal district in the upcoming elections, will be competing against former railway labor minister Kotla Jayasuriya Prakash Reddy of TDP.
Bugana, who embarked on a door-to-door campaign in Peepuri Mandal on Sunday, asked why his opponent Kotla Jayasuriya Prakash Reddy and his family had not approached the people of the constituency for the past 15 years. He asked the people to introspect.
“The leaders of each faction who have lost their lives and completely destroyed their families have asked me why they are now putting aside their differences and joining forces for the sole purpose of defeating me. You have to understand, will these power-hungry people not come back?'' No violence related to major factions has been reported in the Doune parliamentary constituency for the past 10 years,'' Bugana asked residents. did.
The Minister of Finance briefed the voters on the economic benefits paid to the people of Donu parliamentary constituency in the last five years, besides the numerous development projects implemented under the YSRCP government, and expressed support to the Minister and the YSRCP. He appealed to the people to make a promise. We will continue to develop it over the next five years.
The Finance Minister, who is confident of securing a hat-trick victory in the Donu Assembly constituency in Nandyal district in the upcoming elections, will be competing against former railway labor minister Kotla Jayasuriya Prakash Reddy of TDP.
Bugana, who embarked on a door-to-door campaign in Peepuri Mandal on Sunday, asked why his opponent Kotla Jayasuriya Prakash Reddy and his family had not approached the people of the constituency for the past 15 years. He asked the people to introspect.
“The leaders of each faction who have lost their lives and completely destroyed their families have asked me why they are now putting aside their differences and joining forces for the sole purpose of defeating me. You have to understand, will these power-hungry people not come back?'' No violence related to major factions has been reported in the Doune parliamentary constituency for the past 10 years,'' Bugana asked residents. did.
The Minister of Finance briefed the voters on the economic benefits paid to the people of Donu parliamentary constituency in the last five years, besides the numerous development projects implemented under the YSRCP government, and expressed support to the Minister and the YSRCP. He appealed to the people to make a promise. We will continue to develop it over the next five years.