“Fallout,” released on April 10 on Amazon Prime, is a show based on the hit game series of the same name. The story is set in 2296, more than 200 years after the world came to an end due to nuclear destruction during World War I in 2077. His Vault-Tec remains isolated while the rest of the world burns, with most of humanity scorched to the ground, save for those who have found safety in its numerous vaults in the United States. The once-great United States is now a desolate wasteland of mutated monsters and factions, each with their own ultimate goals.
The story follows three characters, each with their own motivations. The first of our trio is Lucy, played by Ella Purnell. Lucy is a Vault Dweller from Vault 33 and was supposed to marry another Vault Dweller from Vault 32, but she was killed by a group of raiders led by a woman named Moldaver. She only discovered what had been allegedly done to her. As a result, Lucy's father is taken away, and Lucy is forced to leave her vault on her own and find her father in the vast world above.
Next up is Maximus, played by Aaron Moten. Maximus is a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, a faction that utilizes pre-war technology to collect pre-war technology and ensure that no one has pre-war technology. He does not share the same motivations for terrorism as the faction, and over the course of the story he begins to doubt his Brotherhood and his place in it.
Finally, let me introduce you to Cooper Howard, also known as Cooper Howard. Ghoul played by Walton Goggins. He is a former actor who became a bounty hunter after a bomb was dropped in 2077 and turned him into a ghoul. Throughout the show, we go back and forth between past and present, learning who he is and how he became the 23 Ruthless Man.rd century.
After acquiring a valuable object that could change the wasteland forever, each of the three characters becomes entangled with a deserter who is a member of the Enclave. To accomplish their goal, they must transport the heads of deserters to their respective destinations, and only fate will decide whether they succeed or not.
There is also a side plot focusing on the mystery of the deaths of Vault 32's inhabitants and the inhabitants of Vault 33 who begin to have doubts about what lies behind Vault 31.
Ella plays Lucy well in this series. She begins as a naive person who does everything she can to maintain her own morals in a world that abandoned her a long time ago, and gradually over time her environment We will adapt to. The same goes for Walton as she is a ghoul. He brilliantly plays a mercenary cowboy who knows everything about the wasteland and what it takes to survive.
This show does a great job in creating the world of Fallout, as all the sets and scenes resemble the atmosphere of the game itself. From power armor suits to locations and the people who live there. It's also great at recreating the feel of the game, such as the slow-motion effects of Fallout's VATS system and the fear of encountering some of the more deadly monsters present in the world. Music choices from the 40s, 50s, and 60s also give the show a timeless feel.
While it does have an interesting storyline, the show sometimes fails to deliver on the storyline. It's not overly complex, but it's a reimagining of some of the “Fallout” canon that leaves fans of the game confused about what happened and what didn't.
Overall, this show is a great addition to the Fallout timeline and expands the world further than ever before. All eight episodes of the first season are available on Amazon Prime, and a second season has also been confirmed. So whether you've ever played the game or are a big fan of action and violence, this show is for you.
Lee Cloward can be contacted at: [email protected]