Diamond Hands: To the Moon It's literally the same game Hellstruck: Get angry with your friends Right down to the menu interface and gameplay. The only difference is that instead of playing as a devil, you play as a businessman…for some reason. In any case, be prepared to suffer because this game is difficult and requires constant perfection.
This is literally the same game just with a different coat of paint and level design, so everything said about that game is exactly applicable here. However, in a modern setting, I found it a bit difficult to differentiate between platformers with collisions and background art assets. I also think the first opening area of this game is even tougher…if that's even possible.
Which of these two games do I prefer? hellish Because it has a multiplayer mode and the demonic visual theme is more interesting, but opinions are divided at the moment. Either enjoy the brutal punishment this game offers, or get so enraged that he quits after 4 minutes and never plays again. There are zeros in between.
Author: Zachary Gasiorowski, myGamer.com Editor-in-Chief
twitter: @ZackGaz
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Our rating – 5
This is the exact same game as Hellstruck – Rage with Your Friends, which is currently in the menu interface, and I can’t help but feel that these games should have been bundled together.
Editor-in-Chief – I've been writing for mygamer,com for over 20 years. Game lover. He hates pants. My boyfriend is an unknown game publisher who is publishing content on his YT channel.
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