The couple's Instagram feed, Wheelsandtails, is filled with photos and videos of their golden retriever (Frodo), Labrador (Cruz), and cat Nooli running around the beach and climbing mountains. The couple talks about Travel + Leisure India and South Asia About the joys and challenges of traveling with pets.
Excerpts from an interview with Tanveer Taj and Priyanka Jena (wheelsandtails):
T+L India: How did the idea of traveling with your pet come about?
Tanveer Taj: My wife and I are both outdoors people, so it always feels bad to leave a pet behind. We started traveling with our dogs in his 2015 and found that they were happy just being around us. It's so much fun to share this moment with your furry children.
Priyanka Jena: Tanveer and I really enjoy traveling together. I wanted a pet that I could travel around the world with and have fun with. Therefore, it was natural for our pets to go where we go.
T+L India: What are the best pet-friendly destinations in India and why?
Tanveer Taj: We have covered almost 22 states of India with pets. Meghalaya was truly a pet-friendly destination. The terrain was beautiful and the people were friendly. I also really liked Rameswaram. Parts of Uttarakhand are also lovely.
T+L India: Are there any hidden gems you’ve discovered while traveling with your dog?
Priyanka Jena: I have discovered several places around Odisha. India has a lot to offer, especially if you travel by road.
T+L India: How do you prepare for long trips with your pet?
Tanveer Taj: We plan well in advance, but when you have a pet with you, you need to take more breaks. We never drove more than 6 hours a day unless we had to. I also always have a day backpack on hand, as well as food, towels, extra leashes, and a water container in my car.
Priyanka Jena: Our pets have been traveling with us since childhood. They have a regular routine just like us. They eat in the morning, sleep in the car, take a break, and eat a more hearty meal when they arrive at their destination. It's important for their health and well-being that they're well-vaccinated, and we also stock a wide range of medical kits.
T+L India: Have you ever found it difficult to balance your pet's needs with your desire to explore new places?
Tanveer Taj: The best part of traveling with a dog is not just experiencing the place, but watching your furry child experience it. [a place] first time. It's very enriching to experience that.
Priyanka Jena: not much. We do different types of trips throughout the year. There are also some trips just for them. We go to places with open ground, places where we can swim and explore, and our trips are completely focused on those.
T+L India: What is your favorite memory of traveling with your pet?
Tanveer Taj: The first time Frodo and Cruise went to the mountains of Sesan, Himachal Pradesh. Both of these city dogs saw snow for the first time, and that moment is forever etched in my memory. It was precious to be able to see them like that.
T+L India: You've traveled over 200,000 kilometers with your pet. What are the key learnings?
Tanveer Taj: You need to be more organized for your pet. The more you travel, the more you enjoy it. In 2019, he traveled 12,000 km, which inspired him to leave the city and move closer to the beaches in Karnataka. Traveling changes your perception of life.
Priyanka Jena: Life is meant to travel. It's important to see new places and experience new things. It's very fulfilling for your soul and emotional growth, and it puts things into perspective.
All photos courtesy of wheelsandtails
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