In the dynamic field of cybersecurity, few people resonate as deeply as Saloni Vijay, Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of _VOIS (Vodafone Intelligent Solutions), a pillar of the Vodafone Group. . With a career spanning over 20 years, Saloni's journey thus far is a testament to perseverance, expertise and unwavering commitment to protecting the digital space.
Her professional journey began in the midst of complex software development, navigated complex communication technologies, and ultimately reached the forefront of cybersecurity.
Saloni’s trajectory embodies not only professional growth but also a deep story of gender inclusivity in the technology field. As a woman at the helm of a male-dominated field, she has confronted unconscious bias and societal stereotypes head-on, and tirelessly advocated for inclusivity and equal opportunity.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Saloni's story is about the delicate balance between ambition and happiness. This balance is often overshadowed in the fast-paced world of cybersecurity.
In an exclusive interview with The Cyber Express, Saloni shares his perspective on cybersecurity from his personal journey. Her story is more than just professional growth. This is her heartfelt reflection on the challenges and successes women face in the cybersecurity industry.
Excerpts from an interview with Saloni Vijay
TCE: Can you tell us about your personal journey in the cybersecurity field? What first attracted you to the field and how did you navigate your career path to become Vice President | CISO at VOIS? ?
Saloni: I started my career in software development, eventually moving into core communications technology and then into IT. During my time as an IT director, I developed a strong curiosity about core security practices. This drive led me to take on a pivotal role in technology security as Head of Risk and Security Assurance at Vodafone Idea.
To develop my skills in the cybersecurity field, I continued my cybersecurity studies at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) after graduation and eventually rose to the position of CISO at _VOIS, a Vodafone group company.
TCE: Throughout your career, have you encountered instances of sexism or bias in the cybersecurity industry? If so, how did you address these challenges?
Saloni: Yes, I have noticed that there is sexism and bias in all industries, not just cybersecurity. It can also be unconscious bias, and when such bias is observed, it needs to be voiced to address it. I strongly believe that actions speak, not gender, and that ultimately people's perceptions need to change.
TCE: Building on the previous question, what specific challenges have you faced as a woman in a male-dominated field like cybersecurity?
Saloni: Equal opportunities and a seat at the same table are essential. Because women are perceived as vulnerable, they are often assumed to be incapable of handling certain tasks. When work and personal life intertwine, it becomes difficult to find a balance. However, the pandemic has brought about positive changes by introducing flexible working hours for women. ”
TCE: As a cybersecurity leader, what strategies have you found to be effective in encouraging more women to pursue careers in this field?
Saloni: Early exposure to cybersecurity at a young age, through educational programs and mentorship initiatives, can increase interest in cybersecurity. Additionally, visibility of role models through conferences, seminars, and media coverage is extremely important for aspiring professionals.
Along with addressing diversity and creating more role models, it is also important to support networks and communities for women to connect.
Additionally, promoting work-life balance, flexible working hours, a safe work culture, and women-friendly policies will further encourage women to pursue careers in this field.
TCE: Are there any particular programs or initiatives that you feel are essential to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in cybersecurity?
Saloni: Providing unconscious bias training and promoting awareness of gender bias within the industry can help create a more inclusive and fair workplace culture.
Another initiative involves working with industry partners and educational institutions to develop initiatives that address the underrepresentation of women in the cybersecurity field.
TCE: What do you think are the main barriers preventing more women from entering and thriving in cybersecurity roles, and how can these barriers be overcome?
Saloni: Social stereotypes, lack of role models, educational disparities, unequal roles and growth opportunities, hostile work environments, and concerns about work-life balance are some of the major barriers to women entering the cybersecurity field. It has become a barrier. These barriers can be overcome by implementing women-friendly policies and establishing a safe and equal workplace culture.