The 11 Chilean salmon farmers are working with the Chilean government's Agriculture and Livestock Administration (SAG) and the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Agency, with support from the Salmon Council, Chile's Salmon Technical Institute (Intesar), and Aquabench. (Cernapesca). Working together to increase vaccines to prevent bacterial diseases and reduce antibiotic use.
Both parties hailed the so-called “Yelcho Project” as the first public-private partnership of its kind between the salmon company, SAG and Cernapesca. Participating salmon farmers include Aquachile, Australis Mar, Blumar, Camanchaca, Cermaq, Cultivos Yadran, Marine Farm, Mowi, Multi It accounts for almost 90% of the total.
Reducing the use of antibiotics has been a long-standing goal of Chile's salmon farming industry. Farmers were able to Reduce the amount of antimicrobial agents used By 2022, it will be closer to 32%, Cernapesca said. The industry's Antimicrobial Consumption Index (ICA) in 2021 was 470 grams per tonne, and in 2022 it was 320 grams per tonne, a decrease of 31.9 percent. This was the lowest rate since Sernapesca began tracking her ICA data in 2007.
The agreement outlines six strategic pillars. One is the review of national antimicrobial resistance (RAM) plans for salmon production processes with established parameters under the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). Significant reduction in the use of drugs, especially antibiotics. Review of regulations and new…