Juliet Grimes, author of “The Seven and Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna,” will appear at two events hosted by the ATU Department of English and World Languages at Arkansas Tech University.
Graemes will give a reading to visiting authors on Tuesday, April 23, at 6 p.m., in Room 300B of the Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center, 305 West Q Street on the ATU campus in Russellville.
She will return to campus on Wednesday, April 24, to speak about her work as fiction editor at Soho Press at 3:30 p.m. It will be held in Witherspoon Hall, Room 127, 407 West Q Street, Russellville.
Both events are free and open to the public.
The Seven and Eight Deaths of Stella Fortuna, published in 2019, was a finalist for the New England Book Award and the Connecticut Book Award. She received Italy's Premio Cetraro Award for her contribution to southern Italian literature. Translated into 9 languages.
Grems was born in Hartford, Connecticut. He attended Oxford University's Corpus He attended Christie College and graduated with honors with a degree in history from Columbia University, after which he pursued a career in book publishing.
She has worked at Soho Press since 2010, rising to editorial director. In 2022, she received the Queen's Ellery Award for Mystery Writers of America for her editorial work in Crime Her Fiction Her Genre. She lives in New England.
Grems' essays and short stories have appeared in Best American Mysteries & Suspense, Real Simple, Parade, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, The Boston Globe, and elsewhere.
The title of her next book, due out in 2024, is “Lost Children of Santachionia.”
For more information about Juliet Grames, please visit www.julietgrames.com.
For more information about ATU's Department of English and World Languages, visit www.atu.edu/worldlangs.