Not all video games require video. Over the years, games that exist only in audio have taken players to a whole new world where there's nothing to see and nothing to do. These games have a huge impact on accessibility, allowing people who are blind to use their other senses to play games that are just as fun and just as immersive. As long as you have sound, there's a lot more you can do to make your game great.
About this episode The Verge Cast, Explore the history of audio-only games with Paul Bennun, who has been in the field longer than anyone else. Many years ago, Bennun and his team at Somethin' Else created a series of games called. Papa Sangre These were some of the most innovative and popular games of their kind. He explains why his games work, why the iPhone 4 is an important technological achievement for these games, and more.
Bennun also argues that even in this hyper-visual age, now is the perfect time for a resurgence in audio games. He cites AirPods and other spatial audio headphones, devices like the Vision Pro, advances in location tracking, and improvements in multiplayer to his games as reasons why he thinks audio-first games have the potential to be a big hit right now. Masu. It even seems like Bennun might be developing a game, but he won't tell us about it.
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