Apple on Friday removed two popular social media applications, Meta Platforms' WhatsApp and Threads, from China's App Store citing “national security reasons” under a directive from the Cyberspace Administration of China. Reuters and wall street journal. Apple also reportedly removed messaging apps Signal and Telegram on the same day.
In a statement to the press, Apple said, underlined its commitment to comply with the regulatory frameworks of the countries in which it operates. China is substantial Apple's iPhone market.
The move comes amid China's continued efforts to regulate online platforms. requirements All mobile app developers must register with the government or cease operations. This latest move further promotes the dominance of domestic social media platforms like Tencent Holdings Ltd.'s WeChat, as apps associated with important Chinese companies adapt to an evolving regulatory environment to sustain their operations. is expected.
Meanwhile, in the United States, a similar story is unfolding featuring government policies. scrutiny TikTok is a popular Chinese-owned video sharing app. The US government has expressed national security concerns, reflecting China's position. Despite contrasting market trends, the two countries remain embroiled in a technology-centric dispute marked by heightened tensions over trade, technology policy, and national security concerns.
Meta Platforms, the parent company of WhatsApp and Threads, has not yet issued a statement regarding this development, but Apple Said “We are obligated to abide by the laws of the countries in which we operate, even if we disagree with them,” he wrote in an email to multiple media outlets.