I will be posting my selection of highlights from the Southborough Commission and Board meetings* and agendas published this week.
As always, please note that meetings are subject to change. (and agenda) are known to occur throughout the week. (Scroll down for meeting details that appeared after last Monday's post.) Please visit the town's website for an up-to-date list of meetings.
These days, you can attend, watch, and replay live from your home to most (if not all) meetings. )**
Monday, April 8, 2024
- Selection of board meetings8:00 a.m. @Townhouse Public Hearing Room and zoom (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: Vote to appoint new fire chief
- Southboro School Committee Meeting6:30 p.m. @ Trottier Middle School Library, 49 Parkerville Rd. (Agenda with materials) Agenda highlights: Public hearings on school choice. Principal Trottier's report. Student presentation on DC travel. ELA presentations; Bus schedule/start time summary; Student Opportunity Act; Vote on school choice. Brainstorming for grant ideas.Latest information on neighborhood building committees
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
- cable television committee meeting2 pm @Townhouse Public Hearing Room (agenda) Agenda highlights: Review the draft Verizon renewal license. SAM budget and legal fees
- southboro housing authority meeting5:30 p.m. @ Colonial Gardens, Community Room, 49 Boston Rd. (agenda) Agenda highlights: Exterior Door Replacement Project Specification Approval
- recreation committee meeting7 p.m. @ South Union Building
21 Highland Street (agenda) Agenda highlights: ABSA batting cage suggestion. Master Plan Committee Discussion. Program updates; Rec Admin job description. Latest information on Lund Bradfield/Dog Park. Parcel on Northborough Road.Department staffing - youth committee meeting7 p.m. @ Public Safety Facility Training Room, 32 Cordaville Rd (agenda) Agenda highlights: Budget and strategic plan updates. Commission vacancies. Vote for the Ellen Pointek Scholarship and Laurie Sugarman Whittier Wellness Award winners.Outreach opportunities; friend updates
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
- personnel committee9:00am @Townhouse Public Hearing Room (agenda) Agenda highlights: Final review (and potential vote) on employee handbook, tuition reimbursement.Employee training; Construction department job description
- pilot committee meeting6:30 p.m. @Zoom only (agenda) Agenda highlights: Prioritize objectives and outcomes Nurse/Assistant Health Director/Outreach Coordinator. Request for leave; request for a raise from the Ministry of Finance. Salary increase due to reclassification in FY25
Thursday, April 11, 2024
- Neighborhood building committee meeting7 p.m. @ Trottier Middle School Auditorium, 49 Parkerville Rd. (agenda) Agenda highlights: Public forum on feasibility studies
Below are last week's meetings posted after running last week's list.
Thursday, April 4, 2024
- Selection of board meetings6pm (agenda, video) Agenda highlights: Fire Chief Final Candidate Interview
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
Friday, April 5, 2024
- Aging Council11:30 a.m. (scheduled) Agenda highlights: The latest information on year-end spending, new marketing materials, and SAM. Ideas for the 300th anniversary project. Please review the Loneliness Task Force's “Not a Small Step.” Preview program. Additional soft opening.Fuel support and spring well issues
- Master Plan Implementation Committee Meeting2 pm @ position and zoom or @Zoom only (agenda) Agenda highlights: Working meeting to update progress on master plan goals (Video has not been posted yet)
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingMorning (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingMorning (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingMorning (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
- meetingAfternoon (Agenda, Video) Agenda highlights: sentence
*We do not list meetings that are only in private executive session unless the agenda indicates that some action may take place in public session when the meeting opens or closes.
**Details on how to watch the meeting remotely:
- Town Committee/Board Meetings:
- If a Zoom option is not advertised for an in-person meeting, assume there will be no broadcast or video recording.
- Click here to join the meeting remotely using Zoom.
- To live stream (or view later) Remote or hybrid meeting (including those featured on Southborough Access Media) Use the town's YouTube channel for remote meetings over the internet. (Conferences covered by SAM can also be streamed on this website and eventually on SAM's YouTube channel.)
- Cable Access — Broadcast by Southborough Access Media usual evening Meetings of the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, and Board of Appeals and Zoning held in the Townhouse Hearing Room. (You can still participate in these meetings via Zoom.) Live broadcasts and rebroadcasts of SAM are available via government cable access channels (Verizon-37 and Charter-194).
- School committee meeting:
- Breakout meetings and some special meetings may only be attended/watched live (in person or “webinars”) and there will be no subsequent rebroadcast.
- usually Southborough School Committee meetings are typically broadcast live by Southborough Access Media here and on Verizon-37 and Charter-192. (Video replays are typically published through our YouTube channel within a few days.)
- usually Regional School Committee meetings (or Algonquin-based composite meetings) are broadcast live here by Northboro Cable Access and Southboro's Education Channel (Verizon-29 and Charter-194). The meeting will eventually be rebroadcast and available for viewing through NCAT's VideoOnDemand player and YouTube channel. (However, it may take several days).
- other:
- Southboro participates in several community collaboration activities held in other towns. These committees follow their own rules and may not provide a way to rewatch a Zoom meeting.