FX's The Veil takes viewers into the world of international espionage, both personal and global. The series follows Imogen Salter (Elisabeth Moss), a CIA agent tasked with taking Adira El Idrissi (Yumna Marwan) on a trip from Istanbul to Paris to London. But all the while, Salter is trying to get El Idrissi to reveal a secret that could save thousands of lives. The series also depicts Max Peterson (Josh Charles) of the CIA and Malik Amar (Dali Bensala) of the French Directorate, both of whom are hired by future government agencies to help Imogen complete her mission. Differences of opinion need to be put aside.
Peterson works in counterterrorism for the CIA and finds himself drawn into the mission. “He's portrayed as a bit of an instigator, a disruptor. So he's a bit of a stirrer,” Charles told his GameSpot. “He brings a little bit of dark humor and what I think is funny is there's a lot of 'flappy goose' on top of it, making fun of a lot of words and surroundings. Beneath all of that is There's a lot of order and order.''He's one of those guys who grew up in this world with a military background, and he's been doing this job so long that he knows the rules so well that he can't impose them all. I feel that I can do it. The road to the edge. ”
ピーターソンが一緒に仕事をすることになった相手はアマールで、二人は全く異なる性格を持っています。 」[Amar] “He is strictly professional,” Bensala explained. “His work is his life. He's at the center of a massive international investigation, but he's not on the scene. He's locked in his office. So he feels powerless. [he] I can't go out with Imogen. He knows that he and Imogen have a complicated romantic and working relationship. When you meet the character, you know he's ready to explode. This is a difficult and dangerous mission. There's also the fact that he's forced to work with the CIA and doesn't really like its representative, Max Peterson. Nothing goes his way. He's already nervous. ”
Although The Veil takes a serious look at the world of espionage and espionage, there is a bit of real-life levity to the series. This can be seen in the clip above, which features Peterson and Amar's first meeting. But the encounter quickly turned into a fight over a cell phone in the middle of the airport. “It's a crazy thing happening right in front of his eyes,” Bensala said. “It's a big surprise for Amar because they are completely unprofessional.”
The same cannot be said for Peterson, Charles explained. ”[Creator] Stephen Knight puts in the idea that they're all like big kids and soon resort to schoolyard brawling. I don't know how accurate it is, but it was fun to play. And I think that dynamic gave us the freedom to be able to do something a little bit ridiculous sometimes, because I think it's as grounded in reality as possible. ”
The FX series “The Veil” airs Tuesdays on Hulu. Episodes 1 and 2 will both launch on the streaming service on April 30th.