Today is Sunshine Week, a time to celebrate one of the cornerstones of American democracy: open government. This coincides with the birthday of James Madison, known as the father of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Madison believed deeply in the importance of access to information in a free society and in the importance of the press as an essential tool for self-government.
In an age where many people rely on TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram, chatbots, and search engines to get their news, accessing information may seem like a no-brainer. You'll find the answer to everything right away. But we also know that the “answer” is not always true, and that the “information” from these sources, while often interesting and usually helpful, is We also know that the exact details drawn from interviews with relevant parties are not the same as those produced. context.
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act passed in 1967 and its state equivalents, we all have access to records of government activities. However, it can cost money and time, and in some cases, only experts in the field can interpret the policy and the procedures that lead to it.
This is one reason why news organizations are so important. Journalists have a duty to support the public's right to know how their government works. They keep an eye on everything from policy on school lunches and road maintenance to actions by the Supreme Court, Congress, and the president of the United States. They consult with those involved in minutes, reports, policies and policy development. Add context, such as how things were decided and why the results are important. It's not like they're experts themselves. They are experts at gathering information and exploring multiple perspectives, ensuring that our reporting reaches the people with a right to know: everyone.
For example, in recent weeks Georgia's The Current reported that thousands of addresses were being excluded from ambulance mapping software, repeatedly sending first responders to the wrong locations. CalMatters reviewed thousands of pages of documents and found that California's parole process is riddled with holes, that released prisoners routinely do not receive important medical and mental health treatment, and that ex-offenders and the public were both found to be at risk.and dallas morning news The paramedics started a conversation about the need to transport blood.
A journalist's job is to be impartial, check the facts, know the history, and consult outside experts to get things right and decide on the best outcome.
Reliable news organizations worthy of our trust will explain their policies to protect journalists and all reporting processes from conflicts of interest, including those of funders. They provide background on the owners and funding sources. They will explain whether journalists are trained in professional reporting standards. They will listen to the public's concerns and create an open avenue for addressing grievances. Clearly mark opinion and analysis and separate both from news.
It is difficult to survive the flood of “information” that bombards us from all directions without knowing that there is such an obsession behind every word. Freedom of information is a right that we should all protect, recognizing that it does not mean any old kind of information. We must protect access to true and impartial information that enables all individuals to be armed with knowledge and contribute to democracy in their own ways.
Let's cherish the sunshine that keeps our government healthy and accountable, and look for that same sunshine in every news source we consult.
Sally Lehman is a Peabody/Robert Wood Johnson and DuPont/Columbia Award-winning journalist and founder and CEO of The Trust Project.
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