The Xbox 360 online store will close at the end of July. But before it's over, dozens of games are on sale at deep discounts, and the name alone is enough to evoke memories.
Games include some AAA classics as well as thoughtful indie hits, most of which are marked down by more than 75 percent. Xbox Wire posted a list of sale titles on Tuesday, noting that more titles will be added on June 18th and July 16th.
Highlights include Far Cry 4 (2014) and the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider, as well as the 2015 sequel Rise of the Tomb Raider. In addition to Ubisoft's 2014 hacker/spy thriller Watch Dogs, the list also includes the excellent shooter Space Invaders: Infinity's Gene and the innovative and heartwarming puzzle game Valiant Hearts: The Great War. It contains.
Finally, there's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, an ambitious failure. For many gamers who owned an Xbox 360 during its heyday, just hearing his name should at least bring a smile to your face.
What's included in the Xbox 360 Store Big Sale?
70 games are on sale so far. These games are for Xbox 360. That means you'll need to download and play it on the Xbox 360 platform. The closure of the Xbox 360 Store does not affect owners' ability to play games stored on their consoles.
Xbox 360 was launched in 2005 and officially discontinued in 2016, but support for the console has continued ever since. The online marketplace will close on July 29, 2024. However, this also means that content distributed via the store, such as games, demo versions, DLC, avatar items, apps, gamerpics, game trailers, and videos, will no longer be available.
The store closure also means the end of gamertag changes, Xbox subscriptions on Xbox 360, in-game purchases, and even video content played through the console's Microsoft Movies & TV app.