Michelle Gray
Michelle Gray, professor of exercise science in the College of Education and Health Professions, was recently named a Fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the university's highest honor.
Gray, director of the Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation, will be honored at the ACSM annual meeting in Boston at the end of May.
“Michelle has been a staunch supporter and contributor to ACSM for many years. That, combined with her high research productivity and mentoring of students in the lab and classroom, makes her an ideal researcher. ” said Matthew Ganio, associate dean for academic and faculty. Student Affairs in the Faculty of Education and Health Professions. Ganio was one of several people to nominate Gray for the honor.
ACSM Fellows have demonstrated continued service and high standards of professional development and have made significant contributions to the discipline. Gray said she has been a continuing member since 2002, starting as a student member and transitioning to professional membership in 2007. She attends professional conferences at national and regional chapter levels.
“I have held almost every position in the Central States chapter of ACSM, including student representative, Arkansas state representative, president-elect, president, past president, and regional chapter representative, but this national recognition has given me the opportunity to be recognized at the national level. “It gave me an opportunity to take a leadership role,” Gray said.
Nick Green, director of the University of California's Exercise Science Research Center, works closely with Gray. He said the honor honors Gray's hard work as a researcher and teacher in the field of exercise science and his contributions to ACSM. “I am extremely proud of Dr. Gray, not only for this accomplishment, but also for her work as a colleague. This honor is long deserved,” he said.
Gray is more than just an ambitious researcher and teacher. She also serves as a one-on-one mentor for students, and she serves as a reviewer for 11 journals. Medical Internet Research Journal. She also participates in one of her longest-running faculty-led study abroad trips, Health Teams Abroad.
Gray joined the faculty in the School of Education and Health Professions in 2010. She was appointed chair of the Faculty of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation in 2021. The department offers degree programs in exercise science (also known as kinesiology), public health, and recreation. Sports management, athletic training, physical education and health instruction from kindergarten to high school.
ACSM advances and integrates scientific research and provides educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine.