of adventure magazine outside guarantees the benefits of using a travel advisor.
In this week's travel advice column, title” Should you use a travel agent? Our travel experts say it makes all the difference. ” External writer jen murphy hammer home The value of working with a travel agent.
”Their first-hand knowledge, vast network, and connections in the field all combine to provide a unique perspective to create the perfect itinerary for you,” Murphy wrote.
The article cites a recent study that found that 38%: millennial generation And Generation Zeveryone You are choosing to book through a travel agent Not just ourselves.
in that case CharlS positivetripIncluding the author's own experience working with travel advisors. It also names industry leaders such as Cory Hagopian, senior vice president of sales and partnerships at Virtuoso.Erica Richter, spokesperson for the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), and several agency owners.
”“Knowledge is valuable, and advisors act as your insiders. They know things you don't know and fill in the blanks of things you might not have thought of.” writes Murphy.
In the end, Murphy lists a dozen items. addition Travel agency that she recommendsinclude Journey Costa Rica, Southern Visions Travel, Fora Travel.