Google on Tuesday announced its latest threat detection and analysis product focused on cybersecurity, called Google Threat Intelligence. The technology giant is offering the product as part of its Google Cloud Security portfolio and said it will help cybersecurity professionals better understand global threats. The threat intelligence platform leverages the capabilities of the company's artificial intelligence (AI) model Gemini. The company's two security-focused subsidiaries, Mandiant and VirusTotal, will also provide insight into the platform.
The platform was introduced at the RCA conference in San Francisco. About the announcement, Google posted on its blog, “Google Threat Intelligence now includes Gemini in Threat Intelligence, an AI-powered agent that provides conversational search across a vast repository of threat intelligence. “We enable our customers to gain insights and protect themselves from threats faster than ever before.” Until now. “
Threat visibility is one of the biggest concerns for cybersecurity professionals, and collecting, processing, and converting raw data into actionable insights is not only time-consuming, but it also requires a comprehensive view of the situation. The technology giant emphasized that this is because of the need to understand the Google Threat Intelligence claimed that its service solves both problems. The company said it has vast threat insights by protecting 4 billion devices and 1.5 billion email accounts from 100 million phishing attacks every day. In addition to this, Mandiant, an investigation-based cybersecurity company specializing in incident response, will also provide insight into the product. VirusTotal, owned by Google subsidiary Chronicle Security, will share its crowd-sourced malware database.
The platform is also powered by Google's Gemini 1.5 Pro AI model, which acts as a conversational chatbot and helps collect data and insights from the platform's database. “Customers can now compress large datasets in seconds, quickly analyze suspicious files, and simplify difficult manual threat intelligence tasks,” the post added. AI can also reverse engineer malware. Highlighting its capabilities, the tech giant claims Gemini was able to process the entire decompiled code of WannaCry's malware file in one try, and the entire kill switch analysis and identification took him 34 seconds. Did.
Google Threat Intelligence is available as part of the Google Cloud Security portfolio, which also includes Google Security Operations, Mandiant Consulting, Security Command Center Enterprise, and Chrome Enterprise. Organizations interested in onboarding the platform can contact the company.