Do you know how long it takes to complete your favorite video game? Now you can test your skills How Long to Win: Gamesa free browser game worth checking out.
The project was launched in late April and comes from How Long To Beat, a video game website that uses data submitted by players to track how long video games run. You can use this site to see how long it will take you to complete the game's main story, or how long it will take you to reach 100% completion. How Long To Beat has turned that feature into an incredibly fun and creative game.
Each day, players are given three games and asked to guess how long it will take to complete the main story, the story with additional elements, a complete play, and user ratings of the games on the site. Points are awarded based on how well your answers match user data from How Long To Beat. The player can earn up to 300 points per day and his status is tracked on the site.
For example, the first game featured in today's trio is: Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando I underestimated the playtime of the main story and overestimated the user ratings, but I had enough money to play for longer. This earned me a respectable 63 points. Not bad for a game I've never actually played.
If you like everyday games like Wordle and mini crossword,Please, try it. This is a great test for video game professionals who want to use their knowledge in new ways.
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