Video game adaptations are now officially big business.To be fair, it's been hit and miss over the years – for every Detective Pikachu there's an Assassin's Creed, just like in the '90s. mortal kombat and Super mario bros They were essentially released in parallel.
But the ratio of good to bad is changing. More and more creative houses are “getting it” and treating gaming properties with the respect they so richly deserve. If you're a fan of video games and interested in seeing your favorite characters and worlds recreated in other mediums, it's a good time.
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Let's get down to business. The Fallout TV show is really good. It does the two things it needs to do incredibly well. It's a perfect first introduction for Fallout fans, as it's sure to satisfy fans of the game with knowledge of the Fallout world and lore, and stands completely on its own as its own standalone story.
Much of this strength is built on the very foundations of Fallout. Although each of Fallout's stories takes place in the same universe, its divided and desolate world and wide timeline means that the two stories rarely interact.
This is perfect for this show. It's not a retelling of the story we've seen before, like The Last of Us, or a new take on the series' legend. resident evil, the Fallout TV show takes place in the same world as the game. The events of the game are mentioned quite often, especially his first two which are often forgettable. But at the same time, it's also a completely separate story, just like Fallout 4 is completely separate from Fallout 3, which is different from New Vegas, etc.
Since the show basically revolves around three main characters, it kind of splits the difference between the different character archetypes you might roleplay in the game. Lucy (Ella Purnell, best known for her stunning performance in Yellowjackets) plays the classic story of a natural-born vault-dweller who is inspired to leave her underground shelter to discover the truth about the world. I will take the route of the main character. She is naive and kind, oblivious to the broken nature of people and the earthly world.
But so does Maximus (Aaron Clifton Moten), a regular “faction” follower of the Brotherhood of Steel. The Brotherhood has a narrow worldview, and so does Maximus. Lucy is oblivious to the ferocity of the world, but her entire life in the Vault has been geared toward preparing to fight to rebuild the world, both literally and figuratively. . Maximus, on the other hand, was trained in the irradiated wasteland and knew he couldn't trust anyone, but he was raised in militaristic religious zeal and had no idea how sex worked. Ta. You can see how this pair interacts. It is fun.
The third main character is Ghoul (Walton Goggins), a gunfighting bounty hunter who existed before the bomb was dropped. His story, pre-war and post-war, is gradually explored as the series unfolds, revealing how a kind and charming Hollywood star and family man turns into a monster, and perhaps recovers from the brink. . Along the way, fans may end up learning his revelation or two regarding Vault-Tec, as well as some new truths about the Fallout universe as a whole.
Anyway, the important thing is that these three are fun. Ultimately, the textures and tones of the game also feel surprisingly authentic. The trio's stories intersect and eventually converge in ways that remind us of, say, the confusing nature of each game's faction quest lines.
As characters, they easily feel like they belong in the game, but at the same time, both the writing and depiction give them more human aspects, beyond the “sketches” that video game characters often get. Lucy's kind and naive personality, who tries to resolve everything amicably, but ends up turning violent, feels very honest to the dialogue and head-popping nature of the Fallout games. Masu.
The creators and writers of the Fallout series deserve a lot of credit. So is Todd Howard and the team at Bethesda, who helped bring the show to the big screen. They achieved something unusual. This show is equally valuable for beginners and fans of the game, but in different ways.
I sat and watched this with my wife. Her wife basically doesn't play video games and has never touched a Fallout game in her life. She enjoyed it as an independent television show.
After the first two episodes, she tweeted, “It's a little weird and quirky, but it's good.” This is a pretty glowing review from someone who doesn't usually watch her science fiction in any way. I approached it from a different angle. Sure, there was a bit of joy in “there's something I recognize,” but mostly I was fascinated by seeing the world I knew and enjoyed from a whole new perspective.
As a gamer, I think there's something particularly exciting about something like this being the norm in gaming. I don't think this show will be a “must-read” for Fallout 5, but it's clear that the events depicted in this game are important in some way to the future of the series – and even the less important events are important to Fallout 5. Add wonderful new colors to the world of.
I would go so far as to say that new players will emerge from the people who fell in love with the show, and that should be an important secondary purpose of spin-offs like this. However, the main goal is to create something that is good in its own right. Tick, tick. Fallout is over. In fact, the only part of it that isn't completely self-contained is the story the show weaves. There's a lot of avenue left for next season, and the final shot of the show will be something some of the fanbase will be able to achieve with an excitement level on par with nuclear fission.
The best thing I can say in conclusion is this. There are a lot of good games out now. I have a balatolo addiction. You need to clear out the last few trophies in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. I'm looking forward to playing Dragon's Dogma 2 all the way through and enjoying it without the pressure of a looming review deadline.
But what did I do after the credits rolled for this show? Well, I installed Fallout 4 and New Vegas. That should tell you a lot. A must-see.