They think you're stupid.
That would be true. There is no other explanation. There are no good facts to replace this.
The people you sent to Montgomery to represent you, at least 31 of them, and honestly probably more, think you're an idiot. They know you're stupid to death and aren't exactly MENSA members, but if they make the bare minimum of effort to pander to your fears and prejudices, you'll be hooked, lined, and hooked into the LGBTQ trap. I think it will fit.
If you doubt this, you, like most reasonable people, did not watch last week's meeting of the Alabama House State Government Committee and the public hearing on HB385.
The bill changes the definition of “sexual conduct,” adds libraries and librarians to the list of entities subject to criminal penalties for the production of “obscene materials,” and prohibits the distribution of obscene material to minors from public access. The purpose is to create a nuisance.
More simply, they want to jail librarians who make children read books about homosexuals.
The bill's main sponsor is Congressman Arnold Mooney. He has 30 co-sponsors, including the Speaker of the House. They all watched “Footloose” and were disappointed when the kids were made to dance.
It also appears that none of them actually read the bill they proposed. But hey, if it wasn't half-hearted from the beginning, it wouldn't be pandering.
As APR's Jacob Holmes reported, during the aforementioned hearing, Mooney attempted to explain the specific benefits of his bill. Similarly, it prohibits libraries from accepting donated materials that contain sexual content. Or maybe it prohibits libraries from affiliated with the American Library Association.
However, it doesn't do either of those.
The bill does not even mention the name “American Library Association.'' And the bill says nothing about donated supplies.
But again, folks, if they had to actually read the bills that they're sponsoring, this job would just be too hard. And you idiots will believe anything.
So if you believe it's a librarian's job to keep kids from reading certain books, you probably don't read much either. And really, if you guys are, does it really matter that something like this isn't actually in the bill? believe That is?
Think like the Bible. You believe that the book says a lot of things, but it doesn't. Same here.
They will also be very happy if you believe that you are protecting them. And they say it with a straight face.
No, of course not from anything that actually causes harm. You know, it doesn't come from a substandard education system. Not because of our pathetic rural healthcare system. It is not caused by a sexually transmitted disease. It's not because it's one of the nation's deadliest firearms states. We don't have third world levels of infant mortality. Not due to maternal mortality which is somehow even worse.
No, no, no.
From a book.
You know…a real threat. There's no doubt that you and your loved one are awake at night worrying.
Oh, and transgender people exist too.
The House Majority Leader was concerned about that. In fact, Scott Stadhagen said out loud that when children see “men presenting themselves as the opposite sex,” they are “grooming” them. And he said that because the words “grooming” and “opposite sex” are words that focus groups have been telling empty-headed politicians to use to intimidate their base of voters into thinking they're not what they are. This is because it is a word that can be used to make people believe that they are doing something.
Because again, they think you're stupid. People who just exist are so stupid that they are scary. It's so stupid you'll forget you've ever seen MASH or Tootsie or Mrs. Martin. Doubtfire,” or so stupid that we are just as stupidly afraid of people who live, love, and act differently than we do. You are so stupid that you don't even know what the word “grooming” means.
So stupid that you forget they tried most of this a year ago…but back then, the boogeymen trying to “groom” your kids were drag queens.
no kidding. Mooney also wanted to change the definition of “sexual activity” last year. Only then did his goal become a drag show. Well, there are libraries and schools.
However, the definition changes were the same. “A person wearing sexually revealing, exaggerated or provocative clothing or costume, or stripping, or engaging in lewd or obscene dancing or presentation, Sexual or gender-oriented content, or activity that exposes minors to minors….”
Well, the cheerleader dance routine is all over. At any school. And cheerleading in general. And most of the dancing. And swimming. And…well, you get the idea.
But hey, it's not too high a price to pay to protect your children from something completely fabricated that no average parent would ever worry about for 10 seconds.
Unless you're too stupid to understand what's actually going on.