Back in 2002, some members of the Florida Legislature apparently decided that the good people who elected them were being a little too picky about what was going on in the state Capitol.
So they decided to introduce a bill that would restrict public access to some records that had previously been made public.
They might have gotten away with it. Many ordinary people probably didn't know.
But the state's newspapers decided to fight. They united in declaring “Sunshine Sunday” and publishing articles and editorials opposing the proposal.
It took three years, but nearly 300 bills restricting information were defeated in Congress, largely due to media attention.
In 2005, the American Society of Newspaper Editors adopted the idea nationally and extended the period to seven days. Sunshine Week was set in mid-March to coincide with President James Madison's birthday.
Sunshine Week 2024 begins today. We're in the spotlight this week in the news industry. And I encourage everyone to think about the importance of open government and open access to public information.
Because it's not just journalists who benefit from such access.
The public may have reasons to request public information. and filing Freedom of Information Act requests from any level of government, local state, or federal.
Yes, there are some things that have to be kept secret for national security reasons. But the people of this great country do not have to accept a government that operates in the shadows. Our government officials must be held accountable for their actions. Public awareness is a big part of that.
Sunshine Week is about that recognition.