The Huffington Post has an article about RFK Jr.'s latest “thinking” on today's pressing issues, in which he links a causal link between antidepressants, video games, and mass shootings. It suggests. Are Scientologists funding his presidential campaign now? It certainly seems like RFK Jr. is hoping for support from the NRA.
This was revealed by Democratic strategist Keith Edwards on X/Twitter.
I brought this up for several reasons. One is that I'm grateful that Democrats are taking the threat of RFK Jr. seriously and are starting to attack his crazy conspiracy theories and outlandish ideas. I noticed that even MSNBC, at least on its morning and early afternoon shows, continues to promote national polls showing that RFK Jr. has a real chance of being a spoiler for Trump. In other words, RFK Jr. is driving voters away from Biden.
Anti-vaxxers who believe COVID-19 was genetically engineered to not kill Chinese or Jewish people and who think mass shootings were probably caused by antidepressants and video games vote for Biden Should it attract people? Really? There is nothing more to blame for the media than false equivalence.
Second, I am one of those depressed patients who has been on antidepressants for over 20 years. And yes, RFK Jr. can fuck! I don't own a gun and have no intention of committing mass murder. Thank you for accepting the Republican talking points on guns and mass shootings! /s.
The media is really, really hoping for a valuable horse race election this year. And, even more interestingly, ever since the Democrats had a chance to win the White House, they have been pushing third-party candidates. Notice how the two choices are always “bad”. When is a Democrat likely to win, or an incumbent? Voters need a third option.
This year, No Labels was supposed to be a vehicle to bash Biden and give Trump the election. But No Labels doesn't have a candidate, and it's unlikely they will find one, especially since Joe Lieberman, one of the driving forces behind their revenge on the Democratic Party, is dead. No sane politician wants to have anything to do with no-labels. That's because No Label is on the ballot in just 19 states. He can't win the presidency just by voting in 19 states.
So who can the media rely on to have some level of “presence” and wreak havoc on the race? Famous names from the past are also fine! Mr. Kennedy!
Unfortunately, most of today's young people have no experience with Camelot, at least not the corporate bastards who run the major media markets. And young people have a lot of real-life problems to deal with, like dodging bullets while attending school. And we are trying to avoid getting infected with the new coronavirus infection. And try to get a job that pays well. And…and so on.
Issues that RFK Jr. is on the wrong side of or doesn't bother to address.
Kudos to Keith Edwards! Keep up the good work!