With 62% of organizations feeling there is a shortage of cybersecurity professionals, there is scope to grow the workforce and Trinity's Ewa Syta is committed to attracting more women into the field.
Syta, an associate professor of computer science, spearheaded the Connecticut Women in Cybersecurity event for the second year in a row. The day-long gathering allowed university students to learn from experts in academia, industry, and government about the field of protecting critical systems and sensitive information from digital attacks.
“This event serves as a beacon of empowerment and aims to expand the presence and contribution of women in the dynamic field of cybersecurity,” said Syta. Currently, women make up 25% of cybersecurity jobs worldwide, and that number continues to grow. It is predicted that by 2025, 30 percent of these jobs will be held by women, and by 2031, they will be 35 percent female.
Speakers at the forum included cybersecurity experts from various countries. hybrid route, fortinet, cloud strike And that US Navy. Additional support was provided by Trinity's Library Information Technology Services and Career & Life Design Center.
“From enlightening talks on cybersecurity trends and challenges to engaging career advice sessions, every moment was filled with learning and inspiration,” Syta said. “Each speaker brought expertise and unique perspectives to the table, highlighting the technical and career aspects of cybersecurity in an engaging and highly entertaining way.”
This effort is led by Syta, along with Vice President for Library and Information Technology Services Kristen Eshlman, Director of Information Security John Enghiltera, and Vice President and Chief Technology Officer Stephanie Cox, along with Trinity College and the Connecticut State Community.・This is a joint project with the college. Under the guidance of Anna Sita.
Symposium sessions aimed at Trinity University and Connecticut community college students included technical topics, career and resume advice, networking, and more.