Troy, New York – Approximately 100 Union College student-athletes were recognized for their academic success this year by earning spots on the Liberty League spring all-academic team, the conference announced last week.
Liberty League spring championship sports include baseball, men's and women's golf, men's and women's lacrosse, men's and women's rowing, softball, men's and women's tennis, and men's and women's track and field. To be recognized as a member of the all-academic team, a student-athlete must perform at least his sophomore year in class, have been in school for one full year, and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.30. .
Spring's 98 award recipients are just three shy of last season's record of 101, and the 80 athletes recognized in the fall and the 26 athletes recognized in the winter add up to the Liberty League's highest honors this year. This is the total number of student-athletes to be recognized. This marks the fourth year in a row that at least 200 student-athletes have been recognized for their academic success.
More than 58 percent (57 of 98) of Union honorees were re-selected to the All-Academic team, and nearly one-fifth (19 of 98) were selected for three consecutive seasons, the typical maximum. Ta. The nationally ranked men's lacrosse team led all spring sports with 17 selections, followed by the baseball team, which set a team record for the second year in a row, and the track and field team with 14 each.
All of Union's Spring 2023 All-Academic team honorees are:
men's lacrosse
*Clayton ArcuriSr.
**Sam BrosnanSr.
*chris connollyjunior
*zach davisSr.
**Zack DiMuccioSr.
seamus foleySo.
**Justin GreenSr.
**peter kippSr.
**jake maburdiSr.
**Liam McGovernSr.
*Luke McHughjunior
**Matthew PaolattoSr.
*henry quaintanceSr.
*michael shawSr.
**jack thompsonSr.
luke tranterSo.
Chris WeitzelSo.
cooper amesSo.
Will CollinsSo.
*nick hiltreejunior
Andrew KeaveneySo.
Jack KleinSo.
Liam McIlroySo.
**kobe mentzerSr.
caleb millerSo.
**Kyle PatloveSr.
JT SyrogianesSo.
**anthony ruzzoSr.
*dan sheeranjunior
*Sam Strazzajunior
Chris Suiterjunior
men's track
*Sam Ahernjunior
*charlie alexsonSr.
chris brandrethjunior
*thomas brymerjunior
*Chris Ballmerjunior
Tony CocchiaroSo.
*Kyle Collinsjunior
*Mark D'AlessandroSr.
*Nick DeBaisejunior
adam heckerSo.
mason langSo.
*Ben Neffjunior
Will PlanteSo.
ronnie rosa benicioSo.
female crew
Khadijah AmirSo.
*olivia andersonjunior
*julia colejunior
Melina McGovernSo.
*Lena Nowelljunior
**katie rileySr.
*claire schroederjunior
*Ella TichSr.
Sadie WhiteSo.
Ann ChanSr.
women's track
Grace ArditoSo.
*lauren armstrongjunior
gabi bakerjunior
*Kat Daceyjunior
*caroline kellyjunior
**Alison MalatestaSr.
*Glory Montsion AllenSr.
*caroline stantonSr.
Keelin Wilgurtjunior
women's lacrosse
Rosie CrookerSo.
Christina GuansiSo.
emily mooreSo.
*sarah murphyjunior
**Dana NelsonSr.
Claudia PatzSo.
*anna smithSr.
**nicole turpinSr.
Avi WoolSo.
men's crew
**Cole AbdinourSr.
*Sarah DeRosajunior
*mileage feejunior
Sam FlynnSo.
body kundaSr.
Eric RobertsSo.
benjamin sternSo.
*Josh Beidmanjunior
women's tennis
kennedy alexisSo.
sydney alphabetSo.
*Gabby Gattojunior
**Kate HarnakSr.
**Gracie NicoleSr.
skyler semonSo.
*Paige Trombleyjunior
men's tennis
Dimitris VinopoulosSr.
*austin gregoryjunior
*Ben Jacobsjunior
soft ball
Riley Callahanjunior
hayley gibbonsSo.
*tatum perkinsjunior
women's golf
*Liz Benzianoffjunior
Katerina Dimacopoulosjunior
** University-wide selection 3 times
*2 university-wide selections